Tairiza the Widow Mistress
This is an hybrid tactic from those found on eq2flames, between burn strategy and fighting adds.

Right room, MT on one wand. Rest of Raid on other wand at healers max range. Raid is in tight formation. All with backside to the wall.

Tairiza Powers:
- Area Spell with Stun
- every 20 seconds, a random player ends in the "Digestion sac", loosing 10% of his max. health every 6 seconds.
- Tariza heals 2% of its max. life for every dead raider.
- at 40%, Tariza calls in 6x heroic spiders every 30 seconds.

- MT holds Tairiza the whole time.
- Ranged DD's fighting the spider with ranged main assist.
- Melee DD's with melee main assist destroy the digestion sac on the raidside.
- Brigant jousts and debuffs mob, otherwise works as Melee DD.
- Ranged DD's kill digestion sac, should MT or Brigant end in sac.
- Offtank holds the heroic spiders.
- at 40%, ranged DD's start burnfighting with temp. damage buffs and nukes spared for this moment.
- with healer max range, you should be out of ae stun, if not, Tariza has to be repositioned to an 90% angle to DD's.

You need 5x healers, 3x for MT, 2x for healing against digestion sac and spider adds. That was our lowest sucessful healer number.
Paladin as an OT easier then Guard. Burning Tairiza from 40% down can't take longer then 60 seconds, requiring arround 25k dps.
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centrist 08-13-2008, 04:55 PM

Here's the easiest way to explain it..

Pull tairiza out of her room into the corner to the right of the door. Have the raid in the diagonally opposite side of the door.

All the DPS hard-assists the MA, except for your ranger, brig, and swashie. Let them burn on Tairiza the whole time (and have the swashie swiping and debuffing to keep the damage spikes down).

The MA has a macro for "a digestive sac" and another for the queen. When someone gets sacced, the ma picks up the target and the raid automagically burns it down. Note that the sacks can be stifled and stunned. When the sac is dead, the MA switches back to the queen. Do this to 40%.

At 40%, herioc ^^^ adds will spawn every so often in groups of three. They are not grouped and are immune to fighter taunts. Everyone should be tossing out out of encounter AoEs, fears, and mez's while continuing the sac/named target burning.

At 20%, heal through the sacs and burn the Queen down. The adds will not despawn when the queen dies, so be ready to burn down any that are still alive to end the encounter.

Remind the casters that they can help cure the AE arcane stun on their group's healer.

A rule of thumb is that if your raid is doing 35k+ on the trash mobs, you should be fine on the Queen. The minimum is 30-35k on the trash mobs or you won't be able to burn fast enough to finish this fight.

Give the Soulcube that drops to whoever will be clicking statues on Venril Sathir or disarming him during the VS fight. You need at least 2 of the soulcubes (and it's better to have 3) to do VS.

EQ-Raiders 07-31-2008, 06:54 AM

Pretty much the jist of it. If your raid has enough AE dps present the spiders will die pretty quickly. Have a MA ready to kill the "Digestion SAC" when its present on a player as well might help. You dont want too many people getting SAC'd, especially healers.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Tairiza the Widow Mistress
Zone of Encounter:
The Tomb of Thugga
Level # of Difficulty:
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