Adkar Vyx
by Unis
This raid mob is part of the Protectors Realm instance, this mob is activated after you have spoken to the NPCs in the Doomcoil room. To activate the mob hail the mob and it becomes killable, it is advisable to get someone to drop from raid to activate this mob, he also has 2 ^^^ standard raid adds, all are skeleton type.
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EQ-Raiders 07-31-2008, 06:57 AM

You also dont have to mezz the adds if you have enough DPS. Just MA Burn them down and turn attention to the named. =)

07-29-2008, 02:30 AM

Not tricky, if healers are well trained and your raidleader using ACT with AE Timer.
- Mezzers hold the adds.
- Pull with sanctuary from Templar
- MT Defiler selfcures at first stifle from AE, curing MT healers and MT Healers cures Offhealers.
- Inquisitor cures second stifle from AE, cures MT Defiler and then Offhealers.
- If you have him not down after two AE's, Healers using potions to free themself from stifle.

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