Ludmila Kystov's Adventure Group

If you failed on Doomcoil then Meldrath will summon him a few minutes into the fight. This will force you to change your kill order to get Meldrath earlier.

Use multiple tanks. The scout and mage tend to ignore taunts from time to time and attack raid members.

On pull have off-tank grab Blorgok and pull him away from the raid. We usually tank him where he stands.

MT grabs Ludmila, and Meldrath. We tank these in the corner.

Have a 3rd fighter with one healer (we've used well-geared monks or a pally for this) grab Jracol. We tank her at the base of the stairs.

We hammer pull and mez one of the frogs on the pull.

Have MA take out the frogs first. (The un-mezzed one first of course.) MA takes out the healer.

After the healer dies, MA takes out Blorgok.

Once Blorgok dies we have the off-tank run over beside the MT and try to tank Meldrath while the MT focuses on Ludmila.

At this point the tanks should be side-by-side and all DPS should be bunched up close together and near the tanks so aggro is easy to regain for the tanks.

Meldrath is the next target.

After Meldrath dies, take out Ludmila. Both MT and off-tank can help taunt this one to keep it from getting into the raid.

During the whole fight the raid needs to stay close and move as a group. There will be times that the mobs break loose and the raid needs to stay together to prevent things from getting out of control.
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