Druushk is a big baby once you get used to him, all these claims about him being extremely hard is because people aren’t able to perform. But, here is the way most guilds are killing Druushk

First you want your MT group to consist of a Guardian, Dirge, Defiler, Templar, Warden, and Mystic. Your off tank should be a Paladin preferably or a Guardian will work, their healer should be an Inquisitor and a Mystic, with a Dirge. The rest of the raid setup really don’t matter but make it ideal for max DPS. However, keep in mind that you will need 4 people to click statues, if you don’t want to memwipe to keep them out of combat get people who can heal themselves up clicking the statues. If somebody misses the statue click while it’s glowing, Druushk will AE and wipe the entire raid.

Now have somebody pull Druushk back to the island in the center, right as he enters the island he’ll do an AE fear, so there isn’t a need to waist Sanctuary. Have your Coercer cast Amnesia on Druushk, to put your four statue clickers out of combat.

Once the tank positions Druushk between the MT group and DPS Groups at max range. Watch for the message “You hear drum beats in the distance” or something or the sort. That means a statue will start to glow shortly, once this happens the statue clicker will need to click the statue and Spam a macro letting the raid know which direction the x2 add will be coming.

Your off tank should have a target macro for the add’s to pick them up ASAP. The add does sometimes disarm your off tank, just keep the healing up on him/her, and if by chance they go down have everyone stop DPS and the Coercer can Amnesia the add.

Now this fight is about main tank survivability, and to be able to survive through it, you want all your healers with “Shield of Rainbow Hues”. This shield will give them a chance to resist the fear from time to time.

The Fear/AE Is also interruptible from time to time by casting long duration stun/stifles if the mob isn’t immune from a previous one. Well the above isn’t necessary but it sure does help. Now you need to have your MT Shaman specced down Ritual of Aclarity, which gives a group member 33% faster casting.

Now to get a permament fear immunity rotation, you will need to wait for the message “You have disrupted the ritual” or something of the sort. Soon as that pops up have your Shaman cast RoA &/or your Troub jester cap the person casting the fear immunity; let’s use a Templar for the first rotation because they are casting Sanctuary. Now you survived his first fear AE.

Now the second fear AE you want to have your MT use “Dragoons Reflexes”, 7 second’s after “You have disrupted the ritual” pop’s up, but as soon as it pops up the troub and shaman’s should be increasing the reuse speed. By time the fear ends, you’ll have survived the second fear AE.

Now on the third AE, there isn’t any fear immunity so you’ll have the Guardian cast Sentinel Sphere, soon as the “You, have disrupted the ritual pops up, this allows you to absorb some attacks prior to the AE going off, now 2-3 seconds before the AE your Guardian should use tower of stone. This will enable the next fear rotation to have sanctuary up and you’ll just rinse and repeat till Druushk falls.

Now, you go the survability down, how do you control the adds. Have all your Casters stay on Druushk the whole fight, and have all your melee run in and use their debuffs on Druushk, saving all their attacks for when the adds spawn. Throughout the fight certain people will get a magma paracite on them and it’s will debuff the person it’s on and it’s not killable or cureable, now throughout the fight they will spawn, so the longer Druushk is up the more paracites you’ll have to deal with as they make you weaker. If you fall behind on adds have everyone stop dpsing and Amnesia the add and revive the Coercer right away.

Enjoy your Mythicals.
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EQ-Raiders 10-12-2008, 10:59 AM

Video of Druushk Added to Information

centrist 09-17-2008, 06:02 PM

Tank him where he spawns, so you can let the adds funnel though the archway into his room. This gives your raid as much time as possible to burn on Druushk between adds. When the add gets to the OT, have them burn it down, then get right back on Druushk.

I'm sure alot of different strats will work, there's no reason to pull him out of his room... especially now that they've added a respawn point closer to him for the run-back after wipes while you're learning him.

EQ-Raiders 06-07-2008, 02:33 AM

Thats one way to do the encounter, nice submission.

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