Taskmaster Nichok
by EQ-Raiders
Taskmaster is the first mob you will encounter in the Second Wing of Veeshan's Peak.

If you have enough ranged DPS this fight is rather simple due to the fact that Taskmaster is rooted on his island.

Taskmaster is a repeating strategy of constant jousting. His Fire Nova AOE is devastating if you are caught by it. It does massive single target dmg the closer you are and ticks on you super fast with moderate dmg the farther you are away. The range on Fire Nova is 50 meters.

For the jousting he will port all the members of your raid every 30 seconds or so. When the AOE is incoming you should have all members of your raid joust north and keep running North. Do not stop running, this way when he ports the members of the raid you will be running away from him when ports everyone. Keep running to the north wall and wait for Fire Nova to hit. Fire Nova hits roughly 10 seconds after the teleport. After Fire Nova hits run back in for 15 seconds for a dps BURN, then joust back out to the north. If members of your raid are too close prior to the port they will be hit with a massive snare that will slow you to a crawl. If this happens sprint out as best as you can. Chances are if your hit by the snare your gonna get hit by the Fire Nova AOE.

At 70%, 50% and 30% a wave of about 6 heroic adds will swarm towards you. Stay out one round of jousting to burn the adds down. When the adds are dead, commence running to the north and anticipate the teleport. Do this for every series of adds. Taskmaster isnt going anywhere.

Feel free to send in your melee dps when you joust back towards taskmaster but give them ample warning to joust out of the Fire Nova AOE because they will have a little farther to go.

Repeat these steps and you will have a seriously easy kill of Taskmaster. Might take one or two times to get everyone on the same page with the jousts but its rather easy. Taskmaster still enslaves the second person in group one of the raid setup. So plan accordingly of who will be enslaved in your raid party. Its always the same raid spot every pull. So make it a class you can sacrifice and still win.

Enjoy the loot!
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EQ-Raiders 10-31-2008, 05:23 AM

Strategy updated for Taskmaster, sorry for the delay.

WhiteCloud 10-30-2008, 12:08 PM

Mob now received a 50m Range AE. Should be aware of that during first encounter.

Stay out of 50m range and wait till portet. joust the second AE and than do whatever you can do to him.
If DPS is high enough join him on his Island, if not do it ranged way

Approx. 8.6 million HP

EQ-Raiders 10-12-2008, 09:57 AM

This mob was recently changed. The mob information will be changed shortly.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Taskmaster Nichok
Zone of Encounter:
Veeshan's Peak
Level # of Difficulty:
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