Qunard Ashenclaw / Cinder Wasp Queen
by EQ-Raiders
Qunard Ashenclaw is activated by clicking the small mound in the middle of the room where he is flying above. When done so you will get a message that "Buzzing Errupts all around you". You will then be swarmed by a few waves of Heroic bees. They dont have much HP so burn them down. After about a half dozen waves the Hive Queen will arrive. This is a glorified heroic encounter but she is labeled as a X4. She does nothing special.

After the Hive Queen has been dispatched Ashenclaw will aggro your raid force. Find a quick spot to tank him in one of the hallways because he does have that nasty Wing Beat AOE that the rest of your raid will have to joust. You gotta get him placed into a corner fast because he will Wing Beat when he gets to your raid.

Tank him out right, the only thing to watchful for is his Wing Beat AOE.

He really has no other special abilities.
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WhiteCloud 10-30-2008, 12:06 PM

Wing Beat Timer is about 55 seconds

centrist 09-26-2008, 06:42 PM

To sum up this fights..

1 -- Setup in the archway prior to Ashenclaw's room. The MT will be on one side and the raid on the other.

2 -- Have a brawler go in the room, harvest the hive, then feign.

3 -- Kill the series of bees.

4 -- Kill the Cinder Wasp Queen

5 -- Qunard Ashenclaw will spawn. Have the tank pull him to the opposite side of the hall from the raid. He's identical in pretty much every respect to Kluzen.. kill it and loot the box.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Qunard Ashenclaw / Cinder Wasp Queen
Zone of Encounter:
Veeshan's Peak
Level # of Difficulty:
Cinder Wasp Queen - 85 | Qunard Ashenclaw - 86
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