Xebnok the Wretched
by EQ-Raiders
Xebnok is the second last name prior to spawning Gynok. This is a very straight forward fight. Power will be an issue in this fight if you dont have alot of dps and/or not enough chanters in your raid.

Just like Thet there are 3 spawn locations of adds on this fight. They are not all in the same room as Xebnok. One spawn location of adds is in the bottom corner of Xebnoks room. A second spawn location is right next to the NPC of Gynok. The third location is located up the first set of stairs leading towards Thet's room. You should designate one person to look for the adds that spawn on the stairs and by Gynok, If that person stays in the hallway in front of the stairs they can pull either set. Your add OT should be able to pull the adds that spawn in Xebnok's room.

Because of the placement of the adds you want your raid to be in the middle of all three locations. This spot is at the very entrance of Xebnok's room. This is the location where the majority of your raid will be sitting to burn all the adds. The adds must be killed extremely fast. From the second they spawn to when they should be dead is roughly 30 seconds. If you leave even one still alive, your raid will die.

Xebnok arrives initially with a pair of adds himself. These are not a big deal by any means. Start the encounter by having your ADD tank pull the adds and your MT snap Aggro from Xebnok.

You want to tank Xebnok either against the stairs of his platform or against the wall right where he is standing. He has a knockback and you don't want to be kicked all over the place.

He has a close range Crushing AOE (Spinning Fury) that needs to be jousted by all melee dps when there are no adds up.

He also has a Noxious AOE that will power drain your raid with every tick. This has to be cured ASAP. For some classes even one tick will mean no power left. This is where the regen ability comes in. The faster you kill Xebnok the better off you will be.

Xebnok also has a single target Charm that he casts along with another AOE called Overwhelming Intimidation. He will do this ability roughly 15 seconds into the fight and then about 40-45 seconds every point after. You will need to have two tanks on Xebnok at all times. The tanks must be #1 and #2 on the hate list. When Intimidation is incoming be sure to do a aggro check with the hate meter. Have the Second Tank call out his current hate position so you know if he is gonna get it. The charm is not curable on the MT and will last about 12 seconds.

Also for this AOE you will need to use a special item. Pungent Salts. These salts are found in the pool where Thet Em Aua was sitting. You will need to have at most 10 people in the raid with salts depending on your dps. Your raid will get an incurable arcane on them. You need to use these salts to cure that AOE.

This effect can also happen to people randomly during the fight. Your character will begin to do the "Im Not Worthy" emote. Someone in the same group needs to cure that person by targeting them and using the salt.

Salts can be harvested three times and will respawn within 2-3 minutes. Many raids use the bards as primary curers and chanters as secondary curers if the bards run out of salts. Each salt harvest can be used 10 times before you are out.

Mana Regen, Aggro Management with the tanks, Killing the adds super fast and click the salts is the jist of this fight. In alot of ways this guy can be simpler than Thet. Good Luck on the Fight!
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09-09-2009, 04:38 PM

Important Note: if anyone in the raid goes down, it is very important to not revive while adds are up, or you will wipe the raid, you can send a rezz, but do not accept rez untill all the adds are dead and only Xebnok is alone

EQ-Raiders 07-05-2009, 01:02 AM

Doing this encounter with atleast 3 plate tanks is recommended but not always needed when your raid gets geared up. Brawlers and even Scouts can initially grab the adds as well.

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