Thet Em Aua
by EQ-Raiders
Thet is a rather fun fight. The hardest part of this fight is calling out the proper curses and assigning people to the right spots. First, Thet is located in the pool of water invisibile. If you can send a FD'er down the hill alongside, out of raid, you can spawn him easily.

Pulling Thet for the first time can be a bit tricky and gets easier as you get better gear. If your raid doesnt have atleast 30 critical mitigation then you will want to have AE blockers up in every group on the pull.

Pull Thet about halfway up the main ramp and have him face the wall. Don't pull him too close to the wall, he will reset. The biggest hurdle for your raid is noxious cures. There are two Noxious abilities to cure in this fight. Acrid Cloud MUST be cured first, no questions asked. If you dont have group cures in every group then use Noxious Potions and call out to use pots when it hits.

The only part of this fight revolves around a curse effect. Calling the curses is huge for your raid. Four people in your raid will get a detrimental effect on them (completely random) and only they can kill the adds. The adds are a Solo level ^ orange-con mob.

This is Mark of the Serpent that your raid needs to look for.
Dragon breathing fire.

The adds spawn in three locations.

When you are about to enter Thet's room, that hallway with the broken well is where ADD #2 will spawn. The hallway to the right of that spot connecting to Thet's room is where ADD #1 will spawn. Finally the hallway exiting Thet's room at the bottom of the main ramp is where ADD #3 will spawn.

It is usually easier to assign the 2 highest dps classes that get the curse spots #1 and #3. Those are the most critical spots just because of pathing issues. #1 if not picked up properly paths along the far wall and comes up through the water. #1 obviously is being tanked closest to the named.

The curses lasts longer then it recasts. So there will be overlaps. 8 people for atleast 10 seconds will have the curse before the previous curse expires on the original 4. If your MT gets the curse some raids just ignore it and have the other three pickup the adds. Some raids swap tanks, I believe this is a waste of time.

Some classes will outright destroy their adds at their locations. These people should then proceed to assist other classes still killing their adds. Classes who destroy their adds in this manner, (Rangers, Scouts, Mages) should stay at their location to blow up the next one that spawns. Remember you will have a 10 second overlap of the curses. If you have aggro on the add DO NOT run back to the named spot, you will drag the add with you and kill the raid.

The adds do have a knockback as well so you want to tank the adds against a wall so you dont get thrown towards the named or fall in the pool. If you fall in the pool either stay there and kill the add or run back up the mini path that is there. DO NOT run back up the main ramp, because the adds do not path that direction. They path towards that mini ramp along the ramp opposite the pool.

Remember to call out that Noxious cure as well for people doing the adds as they will most likely be out of cure range from healers. They need to cure themselves. Assign three spare healers to heal the different add spots. If the person who has the curse dies they can not attack when revived. Its easier to just have a healer in another group keep an eye on certain hallways when the adds are incoming. Healer A watch Add #1, Healer B watch Add #2 and Healer C watch Add #3. The healer watching Add #3 is usually a MT Warden or Templar if you can spare it.

Have someone assign spots QUICKLY when the curses are called out by the people who have it and make sure your raid knows where to go.

There is another curse effect that happens in this raid, dont bother with it, it doesnt do anything that hurts people. Only slows that persons DPS for a short period of time. Healers should not cure curses at all during this fight.

Make sure your raid is calling the proper curses, that your raiders are killing the adds properly, and make sure the noxious is cured. Do that and you will win.

Sounds harder than it is, but its only just three things happening during this fight. Good luck and Grats on loot!!
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Praetorian 01-13-2017, 06:23 AM

You can use the Detriment Plugin of ACT to determine in your raid WHO has the Mark of The Serpent.

Name of Raid Encounter:
Thet Em Aua
Zone of Encounter:
Tomb of The Mad Crusader
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