Tythus Tinzok
by EQ-Raiders
Tythus Tinzok is found in the upper tower where Absatalious was located. Just keep running up the spiral staircase sections.

The Tythus encounter can get a little annoying. First you must fight your up to him. Cutting through the little heroic mobs he is sending down the stairs.

When you get up to his room, its probably best to move to the right side of this room as his adds will run to the left side. This will give your raid time to rest and discuss the encounter.

Tythus will continue to spawn heroics until he is engaged, any heroics running around at that time will aggro your raid so be sure not to have any up just before you pull him. A great way to do this is to have a brawler aggro Tythus and FD then invite the brawler and proceed with your pull.

Tythus has a single target knockback that will affect your tank so positioning is key. Many successful attempts tank him right where he is practically with the tank's back against the ridge of his little alcove with the raid force ready to attack from the opposite side. Tythus has a very small aggro range so your raid force can work themselves to the top wall in his Alcove.

Tythus has three main AOE's to be on the look out for. He has a Trauma Based AOE that has a 2-3 second stun duration as well as two massive ticking Magic and Elemental based AOES. The Trauma AOE is on a fixed 30 second timer and can not be interrupted or modified by swipe. The other two AOES need to be cured within 2 secs of hitting your group otherwise they will tick for massive damage. Both AOE's will hit about 5-7 seconds apart from eachother everytime. When one hits the other is not far behind. So, if one AOE ticks on you the next aoe incoming will likely kill your group. Tythus himself does not hit hard at all. This is a straight cure fight. Cure the magic and elemental AOE's and you will most likely have a easy fight.

Tythus every 45 seconds or so will also spawn a small epic x2 add throughout the fight. Assign your OT to grab this mob ASAP so he doesnt start beating on your tank.

Many guilds 'AOE prevent' about 20 seconds into the fight to avoid the first round of AOE's to get as much dps on Tythus as possible. With enough dps, the first minute of the fight you can bring him down to 55-60% health.

The Trauma Stun AOE will also knockback your players when it hits you, so make sure the rest of your raid has something behind their backs so they dont get knocked out of range of eachother before the two large AOE's hit. This is why many guilds keep Tythus where he is and position the raid on the otherside the same Alcove he is in.

Cure the AOE's and kill the add when it spawns and you will have a dead Tythus on your hands!
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