by EQ-Raiders
Mynzak is all that stands in your way between you and Anashti Sul. Before you attempt to pull Mynzak be sure to clear the hidden spawns of the Void Rays in the pools to the left and right side of him. They will spawn when you enter the rear pools in the room. If you dont, they will auto aggro when you attack Mynzak.

Mynzak is a combination of fights drawning influences from both Tythus and Switchmaster. You will want to position your raid near one of the void lamps (the tall street light looking things on the left and right of Mynzak). You can already click the lamps before pulling so you cant figure out the distances you need to click these during the encounter. But more on that later. Mynzak has a knockback ability called Meteor Shower which deals large Heat damage the closer you are and also knocks you backwards. So you want to position your tank to a spot that he will not get knocked back out of heal range. There is a grouping of trees near the front his room that alot of guilds like to use for this. It is not too far from the void lamp either. Mynzak also has a damage shield present on him that will port attackers within 10 meters. This is more annoying than anything and just make sure to get back to your spots when the port happens. This is more of a issue with the main tank. When Meteor Shower is incoming you want your tank to stop attacking (just like Pentaclypse) so he doesnt get ported and then Shower hits knocking him really far away.

Mynzak also has two elemental abilities roughly on a 30-40 second recast. These are elemental AOE's, cold and heat. When one hits it MUST be cured asap because roughly 6-8 seconds later the second AOE will hit. If the second AOE hits anyone who still has the first one on them, it hits for massive damage. So, be sure to have elemental pots with you if you dont have group cures in every group. Curing the first AOE asap is priority remember.

The most frustrating part of the fight is the Freezing Ice Blocks. Periodically through the fight Mynzak will freeze two people in your raid. The ONLY way to unfreeze them is to drag them to the center fire pit. You do this by right-clicking the persons name either in the raid window or group window and selecting "drag to void pit". This will port that person to the center pit. Now when the person gets ported they need to get out ASAP because it will drain your power and tick for massive damage the longer you stay in there. Get out ASAP!!

The freezing can be identified by a Message in Red Letters on your screen, but during the fight that can appear lagged up at times. It is best to identify it by using calls out in raid or voice chat. Set aside 2-4 people who will concentrate on just unfreezing people to start. If you use an enhanced UI that you can see effects on people in your group and in raid, it is a uncurable arcane effect. The person will also be a giant ice block incase you have your particles turned up.

Mynzak will also emote every so often, roughly 45 seconds, and drop all debuffs present on him. Get him debuffed right away! This is the part of the fight where you will see your MT drop the fastest.

Joust Meteor Shower with your melee dps and keep the elemental aoes cured is the hardest part of this fight to maintain. Be sure you are keeping an eye on the debuffs and keeping an eye to unfreeze those who are frozen.

Mynzak doesnt have that many hitpoints and will drop fairly fast if your cures are fast and your healers arnt getting frozen. If your healers keep getting frozen your raid will have a harder time as power will be an issue. Make sure your chanters and bards are keeping a good eye on power.

The last part of this fight resides in a clickie you will have to do. All throughout the fight people in your raid will get a purple vision. You need to get this off of you asap by clicking the void lamps and "grounding yourself" to it. The reason you dont want to wait too long is if you die with it on you you will explode the raid with Focus damage. Technically you have 15+ seconds to click it but never wait that long. If the MT gets it you can either swap out MT's or just have the MT run to click the lamp. But dont have the MT run to click it if Meteor Shower is incoming soon. The clickie on the void lamp is rather large, approx 12 meters from the lamp. So you dont have to stand very close to click it.

Good luck with Mynzak, this post will be updated with proper timers shortly.
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