Anashti Sul
by Superlative
Anashti Sul is the final mob in Palace of the Ancient One.

The encounter is in two stages, the first being a ring event which begins when you cross the threshhold in to her chamber.

Ring Event:

In order to understand the encounter I'll briefly outline the lay out of the room. It's circular in shape, with Anashti Sul towards the rear as you enter. Around the outside of the room are three portals which spawn X2 adds periodically.

As soon as you enter her chamber the event begins. Adds begin spawning from the three portals. When an add is killed, it drops a "crystal" which can be used for two purposes. The first is closing the portals in the room. The second I will come to shortly.

You need to close two of the portals in her room initially in order to reduce the constant flow of adds attacking the raid. Why not close three you ask? The reason is that the adds, as mentioned above, drop crystals which are used to make a Void Glider (which spawns after a minute ~ ) vulnerable.

Once the void glider spawns, and you have two portals closed it's simply a matter of controlling the adds which spawn every 45 ~ seconds and burning the glider. As mentioned above the glider is initally invulnerable until the crysta is cast on it (note that this is only a temporary effect and the crystal needs to be used when the glider becomes invulnerable again after about a minute.)


Once the glider is dead, Anashti becomes active after about 20 seconds and this is where the fun starts. The good news is that the ring event only needs to be completed once, so if you wipe when Anashti pops you don't need to do it again.

Fail effects:

Power Management - If anyone in the raid drops below 40% power, Anashti will summon an Epic X4 to pound seven bales of proverbial poo in to whoever slacked.

Curse - Anashti has two curses, one with a fail effect attached. It works the same as the first encounter in Palace - Twins i.e. if you cast when the curse is on you, you essentially wipe the raid.

AEs/Procs/Other curses:

AE Poison: Initial HP/Power reduction and further more over time. This needs to be insta cured to prevent power loss.

AE Mental: Going from memory as I'm sitting at work, but there are two mental AEs with power/health drains attached. These aren't as nasty as the nox, but still need to be cured.

Proc Magic: This one is annoying! Stifles, and ticks for power and health. Needs to be insta cured so your healers best be on form.

Curse: The other curse with no fail effect attached is a simple de-target with stifle. You will not be able to cast/target anything for around 30 seconds.

Strategy Overview:

As mentioned above Anashti's room has three add spawning portals which need to be closed initally, and continuously closed after each add pops otherwise you will have adds popping left, right and centre at an uncontrollable rate.

Two types of adds - a voidbeast which is gimp, and one which looks like Absatalius - has an associated kickback which hits pretty hard.

Therefore asign one person to handle this.

Anashti is pulled to a position where you can deal with the kickbacks which come from the adds. Get it debuffed fast ... duh ... as it can hit the Tank with some serious damage and then burn down the first add which will be on the raid within the first few seconds. Depending on your raid's gear - which I'm assuming is not great otherwise you wouldn't be reading this - I would get range between the raid and where you tank the adds due to the kickback + damage from the add. Strats for this part vary but we have the entire raid burn the add as soon as it's positioned and then DPS back on Anashti.

Simple as it sounds, this is simply burn add, burn Anashti, rinse and repeat encounter with the above mentioned AEs, Curse and Procs.

I won't mention the names of the curses as I'm at work and am not a walking EQ2 encyclopedia and it's also fun to work some stuff out for yourself but my pro tip would be - don't cure EVERYTHING.

Hope this helps guys and girls.
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Devenie 03-29-2013, 04:24 AM

Thanks for this strat~ progression guild using it~

Mindeen 05-31-2010, 08:53 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Blackxram View Post
Anashti actually summoned two void gliders on us last time we were in the zone.. did they change this mob?
No, killed her fairly recently and still only single glider.

03-10-2010, 09:46 AM

Anashti actually summoned two void gliders on us last time we were in the zone.. did they change this mob?

Sude 12-15-2009, 09:34 PM

The de-target curse is not a stifle. It's just a de-target. If you have a Shadowknight as your offtank, they can still cast their blue AE's when they get the de-target in order to keep aggro on the adds.

Obviously, this assumes that all the OTHER effects are getting removed promptly.

EQ-Raiders 11-13-2009, 10:44 AM

The Orb mob is called 'A Void Manifestation' btw. You can see it in the video as well that is attached to this post.

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