Munzok The Corruptor
by EQ-Raiders
Munzok's fight is actually extremely simple on paper.

Adds Spawn, kill the adds. Stay in the bubble and click the towers.

That is pretty much the fight. But I'll get a little more detailed for you.

You will need atleast three fighters in your raid to make this encounter to what it was intended. You will need alot of AOE dps as well as some big single target DPS. Warlocks, Conjurors, Necros, Coercers, Assassins and Wizards should all be present for this raid.

When you pop into Munzok's room you will see right away four towers in his room. These towers need to be clicked by their corresponding class. Healer for Healer, Fighter for Fighter..ect ect.

The order will ALWAYS be Healer, Fighter, Scout, Mage. You need to right click the tower when it glows to disable it and prevent it from buffing Munzok. If you miss two towers the fight is pretty much over.

Munzok will also Charm a tank occasionally and this can not be cured. So you must have two tanks on Munzok at all times to keep him in check.

Munzok spawns three kinds of adds.

a single heroic
a single epic x 2
and several little heroics

The single heroic (void ripper) must be burned down above all else. Burning this add down will pop a bubble that your raid must stay in at all times. You will occasionally see text on the screen that says you must seek magical shelter. You MUST be inside the bubble when this happens or you will wipe.

The Epic and the heroics go down easily enough but just remember to turn all dps on to the Ripper when he spawns. You want to keep Munzok in the center of the room as much as possible to ensure that the pole clickers do not have to run very far incase the wiping aoe is incoming. The pole clickers will have to leave the bubble to click the poles in most cases.

This fight the first few times you do it maybe prove to be rather lengthy depending on your DPS. A raid at level 80 will more than likely want to stay 15 meters from Munzok to deal with his AOE's a little easier. However, a raid at level 90 can pretty much pile right on top of Munzok and take most of the AOE's point blank if you have the healers to support it.

The poles activate roughly 1 minute apart however I do not have a exact timer on them. Just have a spotter keep an eye out for when the base of the poles glow and have the person run to click it.

Munzok's also will cure his debuffs on himself every 45 seconds or so. Just watch for the EMOTE and get him debuff'd QUICK. If you JUST swapped tanks the new tank can take some nice spike damage.

Keep swapping tanks non-stop and have your Off tank pick up the Epic otherwise the rest of the adds should pretty much melt away with your raid dps. If you can drop Gozak within two pets you should have enough DPS to easily burn the Munzok encounter.

Good luck!
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EQ-Raiders 05-11-2010, 06:41 AM

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