Xaxia Viralus
1st thing to remember Everyone can enter the room with her since she is non attackable. DO NOT step on any part of the platform she stands on until you are ready to start the fight.

Around the outside of the room are 4 altars that are clickable. If you stand behind the altar and look towards the opposite altar you will see an image surrounded by either Violet, Blue, Red, or Green.

Initially position your tank by the door closest to the altar on the right as you enter the room. The rest of the raid party should be on the left side of the door.

Set loot options to Free For All!! Assign 1 person to shard duty. That person and only that person should be looting the “dimly glowing chests”
Once everyone is ready one person needs to step on the platform to start the event.

At that time a Lizard type creature will spawn at the first altar to the right. Kill it fast. When it dies it will drop a “dimly glowing chest” your shard person needs to loot that chest to receive a green shard.

Shortly after the lizard spawns a snake will spawn at the next altar (going in a counterclockwise direction) kill that snake and it will drop another chest. You shard person will need to loot it and they will receive a blue shard.

Shortly after the snake spawns a droag will spawn at the next altar. Not long after that Xaxia Viralus will become attackable. At this time the main tank will need to get and keep her attention in the center of the platform. Meanwhile the off tank and the rest of the dps need to burn down the droag which will drop another chest which contains a red shard.

At the last altar a drake will spawn and all dps need to burn it down fast. Once it dies it will drop a chest with a violet shard. At this time if any more adds have spawned start burning them down while the shard person does their job.

The shard you place on the altar has to be DIFFERENT than the color in the window. You will get a message that says something to the effect of a "Mis-matched shard has collapsed the portal". The add will disappear and you will get a chest you can loot. If you use the same color shard as the color in the window you will summon an add. (Must have particle effects turned on to see what color NOT to use on the altar.)

NOTE: you cannot place a shard on an altar that has yet to spawn it's first add.

One suggestion is to have the shard person place shards in the following order. After the Droag has spawned and the Raid force is fighting the Droag the shard person places the Green Shard on the Droag Altar, Once the Drake spawns place the Blue Shard on the Drake Altar, As Soon as the Droag Drops loot that chest and place the Red shard on the Lizard Altar, and finally after the Drake drops place the Violet shard on the Snake Altar.

After all the shards have been placed the Shard person just needs to watch for the Red Text announcing the collapsed portal run to that altar loot the chest and replace the shard.

Xaxia does have an AOE knockback and a pretty mean arcane that needs to be cured quickly. The shard person needs to have potions since a lot of the time they may be out of range of a healer. As long as the shard person can keep the adds from spawning, Xaxia is a pushover.
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EQ-Raiders 02-01-2010, 06:10 AM

All adds need to die before you can start placing shards. The Light Blue and Purple Shards can be hard to distinguish. What I like to do is just place them based on the one closest to eachother. Meaning I put the Green Shard in the Light Blue and the Light Blue in the Green. Then I place the Red in the Purple and the Purple in the Red. When the adds disappear and drop the box just use the same shard on that exact pedastal.

EQ-Raiders 12-27-2009, 07:04 AM

Update to this topic. The shard you place on the altar has to be DIFFERENT than the color in the window. You will get a message that says something to the effect of a "Mis-matched shard has collapsed the portal". The add will disappear and you will get a chest you can loot.

The submissions has been updated to reflect this.

EQ-Raiders 11-15-2009, 11:26 AM

When you have the cycle going you might only get one add every now and then since when you use a shard on one of the pedastals a chest drops with a shard in it. Only because of timing issues will you get an add once in awhile. Then again if you have enough dps, you might not get any.
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Arcane Maelstom is a 42 second Timer that is NOT-Swipeable.

Polar Avalanche is nothing really to be concerned about.

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