Argos + The Menagerie
by EQ-Raiders
Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul.

Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP.

The other mobs and abilities are:

Eesaad the Fierce
Two abilities all of which are single target direct damage only. Hit for Physical DMG

Xythilias the Dark
Sonic Scream - Targeted Magic DMG AOE (hits random people in the raid). Also has the same Direct Damage abilities as Eesaad the Fierce.

The two sphinx mobs will constantly banish one of your raid members randomly until one of them dies. The banished player gets sent to the entrance of the zone.

(1) an inferno drake + (2) a rainbow drake
Treat these as one encounter. You do not want to kill the rainbow drakes until the inferno drake is dead. If you kill a rainbow drake first it will be resurrected and you will trigger larger elemental aoes that tick very fast. Burn the 'inferno drake' first above all else. Only the rainbow drakes have the aoe to watch out for the most at the beginning of this encounter.

Prismatic Pulsation - Moderate DMG elemental AOE (from rainbow drakes). Ticks fast.

Three heroic adds will spawn every 30 seconds or so as well during the encounter. This encounter is best controlled by 2 AOE tanks with a MA tank bringing down the drakes then the Sphinxes and then finally Argos.

When the two sentries outside of the Menagerie room are dead the mobs inside will auto aggro the raid. The raid should either stay in the hallway or run into the final room. Make sure your tanks pull the mobs off of the raid on incoming otherwise the Elemental AOE's begin stacking too quickly. The first 15 seconds of this fight is the worst part of it. Burn the adds quickly and you will get through it.

Good Luck
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EQ-Raiders 01-13-2010, 11:04 PM

Strategy Updated to include the timer of Frigid Hailstorm.

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