Haladan Moonrunner (Normal Mode)
by EQ-Raiders
Haladan Moonrunner is a very simple fight to work with. First someone in your raid will want to bring a "Tinkered Beast Zapper" with you and activate this item in Haladan's room. This will completely make the encounter add free.

When you pull the groups of wolves in his room, pull them out into the main hallway as Haladan will leash at the door to his room. Makes seperating the group much easier.

The AOE's in this fight are the same that you will deal with in the harder version of this encounter only much more toned down. The same with the Memory wipe. Its not a complete wipe like Enraged has, more just a blur than anything.

Your raid will still want to start in the center of the room. Best to learn this mob from this starting point as it is the best way to also fight Enraged.

Start by burning down Haladan first as you will not be able to kill Tuskers yet. Off-tank Tuskers until Haladan reaches about 25% health, at which he will remove the protective barrier on Tusker's and put it on himself. You can now start to kill Tusker's. When Tusker's reaches 25-30% health Haladan will then offer you his hand in peace and to stop the fight. If you wish to take it everyone must stop attacking and back off all pets. Make sure to cancel any dots that may still be ticking on the encounter. He will tell you it was a good fight and leave. Grats on (normal mode) loot.

If you wish to Enrage him just keep fighting. When he goes Enraged your raid can run out of his room to leash him and then you can Enrage him at any time by just right-clicking on Haladan.
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