Ione the Lifebringer
by Mindeen
Ione the Lifebringer

This is the fourth and final encounter in Kurn's Tower and is fairly difficult. You should be wearing mostly T4 TSO raid gear to have a chance at beating him.


- Two healers per group required
- Long fight so need good power regen (bard/chanter per group)
- Just need one tank


- Ione starts with a brutal trauma AOE that has to be cured the moment it hits and does more damage the closer you are
- Have the tank pull Ione out a bit, tower of stone/block and once AOE goes off have the raid run to where Ione was


- There is a machine near Ione that is held down by "Mystical Chains"
- On the pull have a dirge and assassin (or similar classes) go break the chains off the machine.
- From that point forward anyone can enter the machine and do incredible damage to the numerous adds
- Don't use the machine on the name as it does very little damage against Ione

- When you enter the machine you get a new hotbar with 5 icons on it
- First hit the full heal icon
- Second use the debuff icon on the adds
- Third use the AOE icon over and over on the adds till they die

- After 45 seconds or so you will be kicked out of the machine and cannot enter it until two other people have
- Best idea is to setup a three person rotation, have people make a shout macro for when they are out of the machine
- Don't use healers to go in the machine, use the two bards and a chanter


- Trauma - needs to be jousted and cured fast or use advanced warning from swash when its up, etc.


- Similar to the two previous names in the zone there will be an uncurable debuff put on random people in the raid
- Ticks for large amount of damage and needs to be healed through


- They will come pouring through the gates opposite side of Ione
- All the adds need to be tanked by the machine, but the dps needs to help bring them down
- When adds pop first kill the "Rejuvinator" add, if not it heals Ione if up for too long
- Second kill the "Doombringer" add so it stops stiffling the raid with its arcanes
- Then kill the other adds
- Once all adds are down back to dpsing Ione
- Use a main assist such as a brigand who has the target macros made for the two important adds


- Keep MT on Ione at all times, he memwipes so he needs to be rescue/reinforce very quickly
- Keep coercer in MT group on him also for the extra hate and to keep some dps on him


- Ione will put a uncureable debuff on 1 of the healers for 30 seconds
- They will not be able to cast any beneficial spells
- Need two healers per group for this reason
- They can still nuke and debuff while this is on them
- Once it wears off on one healer it will go to another healer
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EQ-Raiders 04-22-2010, 05:44 AM

Nice addition Mindeen!

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