Ilenee's Betrayal & Despair
by Mindeen

- This is the third encounter in the zone
- Clear the other two rooms that the names are not in
- Setup inside one of the cleared rooms
- Hammer pull one of the names and both will come


- They will apply an uncurable noxious or elemental to one person at a time
- This ticks for heavy damage and must be healed through
- Healers just watch the raid window for this uncurable and heal the person who gets it
- Run the dirge noxious song and troub elemental song to reduce the amount of damage this does


- Both mobs will stiffle people in the raid
- To cure this you have to auto-attack the opposite that didn't stiffle you
- Its hard to determine which one stiffled you so just auto-attack both until it comes off


- Have to bring down their hit points evenly
- If they get around 10% difference in their hitpoints they full heal
- Just assist the tank and bring each one down 5% then switch to the next
- Re-debuff each name as the tank switchs to them to minimize the healing needed


- Both names will port away from the raid at regular intervals into one of the four rooms and come flying back
- When they come back both names have choosen someone as a target and have increased hate towards them
- Tank has to do some damage and then rescue to get the agro back
- This has to be done quickly and healers just keep the groups up until the tank has agro on both mobs
- Make sure you are careful about dpsing when they come back in case their hit points are close to more than 10% apart
- Once tank has both mobs under control then continue dpsing on the one whose hit points are higher
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