Wyvernlord Tuluun
by freddo1083
This mob is very simple but can be tricky with the detrimental effect.

This is the first mob to aggro your party when you get too close to Toxxulia. The trick with this fight is that you will get one person in your raid party with a completely black screen every 30 seconds or so.

It says you need to do something to wash off the poison that affects you. Well, to the left of the big room when you zone in there is a pool of water. You need to enter that pool in order to see again.

You can right click on the person from the raid window or on their character and pick, "Lead them to the pool" which will teleport them into the pool to clear the Nox. The detriment shows up as an uncurable noxious effect on the person in the raid.

The only additional thing to watch out for is if you are standing either too close to the pool or in the pool for too long it will summon a Epicx2 add. The add doesnt hit for much but its just another thing to be mindful for. Its easier to just avoid this add.

Burn the three heroics that come with the named and the named should die shortly after.

Grats on loot, and be ready for the second named as he comes after your raid in about 10 seconds.
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GreenmistEQ 12-17-2010, 02:08 AM

Ha, fair enough!

EQ-Raiders 12-16-2010, 11:01 PM

The Add Spawn is based on a timer for how long you stay in the pool. You might be getting lucky on timers. But honestly you could just ignore clicking people in general and just keep burning him down.

If you get him positioned quickly enough you shouldnt have to really move at all.

GreenmistEQ 12-16-2010, 05:42 PM

In our experience, the add only spawns if you exit the pool to the south/southwest. Have everyone exit to the northeast and it shouldn't spawn.

Mindeen 05-04-2010, 05:30 PM

Quote Originally Posted by razzak View Post
Also, one of the detriments causes damage to your main-hand weapon.
This should probably be added to the strategy. A number of new raid forces won't have the dps to kill it before breaking their weapons (tanks especially). Maybe add a recommendation to watch main weapon and have second one on hotbar to switch out if trying for first time since this is the PR of SF.

EQ-Raiders 04-08-2010, 07:57 AM

That is good to point out. We never clicked on anyone, we just had people run into the pool hehe. Nice find. Strategy updated!

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