Wyrmlord Zaos
by EQ-Raiders
Zaos is just a tad bit harder than Tuluun. He has an additional Trauma AOE that hits a bit rougher if your raid doesnt have high crit mit.

Burn his adds down fast. Now the script with Zaos is that he will begin Crushing a member of your raid party. This is usually the tank. When this happens that person will begin to take a large amount of crushing damage. The way to stop this is you need a majority of your raid to right click on Zaos and click "Assist Party Member". This will eventually stop Zaos from continuing to crush that person.

Just have everyone in your raid do a quick right click and you should be fine. This is the only thing to worry about in this fight.

Burn him down and heal through the uncurable trauma AOE.

Grats on loot and the next named is incoming shortly!!
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03-10-2010, 10:04 AM

Yeah, Help Free Party Member

03-09-2010, 08:31 PM

There is more than one choice when you click on Zaos. Assist party member is the wrong one. Help free party member is the correct one...it is also the top choice

EQ-Raiders 02-28-2010, 12:42 AM

Strategy Updated!

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