by EQ-Raiders
Vulaan will require a bit more from your raid force.

When he is active you may want to tank Vulaan in the middle of the room. There will be egg clutches (4 of them) around the room. These begin to hatch and must be destroyed before they do. If they are not destroyed they will spawn several drakotas that stun your raid. Too many of these might spell a little bit of hurt for your raid force. If you are facing Vulaan the first cluster that always hatches is the one to the left of him, then the right of him then continuing around the room in the clockwise manner until he is dead.

Standard droag adds will still spawn during this fight. These adds are like the adds on Miragul. If they are not interrupted or stunned themselves they will cast a Elemental stun on the nearest people to them. These Droags will spawn either on your raid or at the cluster of eggs that was just killed.

Depending on your raids DPS you might need need one group of your raid to just keep running around the room killing eggs. Some guilds will only need 2-3 people running around the room doing this.

Get in the rhythm with this fight. Run around kill eggs, adds spawn kill adds.

Vulaan also has what people have deemed a tennis-serve knock back. He will knock your MT up and then back unless you find a good spot that also prevents you from going up. A few of the logs in the middle of the room give you this option. The knockback isnt too bad but if you get a bad one your tank could die. Most MT groups will be able to compensate for this quite well.

Grats on loot. Get perfect at this fight because the "Challenge" mode of this encounter which also means fighting Toxxulia you will have to do this version of Vulaan exactly + Toxxulia. So, once you can do this ecounter near flawlessly without sacrificing an entire group for the eggs you should be ready for the "Challenge" mode.

Grats on Loot!
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Achmed 01-06-2011, 09:07 PM

We use both an OT and MA. The job of the OT is to grab all adds as they spawn/arrive at the fight, and the OT never attempts to engage Vuulan. The MA is responsible for directing dps, whether it be towards Vuulan or any adds the OT has picked up. All dps should be through the MA, no one should be targeting Vuulan directly.

We also designate alternates in case the MT, OT or MA go down and someone needs to step in and take control until they are back up and able to direct the fight again.

If your raid force make-up allows it using 2 OTs is another option, so when the 2 'a dracurian wizard' spawn each OT can grab one while the MA directs dps, or if one of the 'strange hatching eggs' clusters actually get to hatch you can have one OT grab them while the other stays on the wizards, again, the MA directs all dps.

jlashmit069 01-06-2011, 07:04 PM

On this guy is it best to have a MA or just burn adds down with AOE's or just have a few people work on killing adds?

Achmed 01-05-2011, 07:36 PM

If you heard about this strategy at FF from one of the devs then I would have to agree that it is not an exploit. We have been using both methods, porting the eggs and destroying the eggs, in our raids, just for practice to get raid movements down for harder encounters. Nice to hear that you were present when a dev said to try that strat.

Jasmiller13 01-05-2011, 06:11 PM

I don't believe the porting of the eggs is an exploit, however some people may disagree. I actually heard of this strategy as hardmode Toxx was being discussed at fan faire this year, one of the developers suggested we try "moving the eggs". If it was an exploit I think they would have fixed it long before now. Other classes can move the eggs as well, but the Warlock teleport works best for its quick reuse.

If you do not want or can not port the eggs I recommend a ranger to kill them, as they can nearly oneshot the eggs and stay out of range of the mobs aoes.

Achmed 01-04-2011, 07:04 PM

No, the person on the eggs stays on the eggs, unless you are using a Warlock and he teleports the eggs. If that is the case, once all 4 sets have been teleported they will no longer spawn and he/she can return to helping dps down Vuulan. Be aware that using a Warlock to teleport the eggs is an exploit which will be fixed so it is best to practice dpsing the eggs rather than teleporting them so that when you start attempting the zone in hard mode you are not caught unaware if the exploit has been fixed and teleporting no longer works. Also use 3 groups on Vuulan instead of 4, again this is for practice for the zone in hard mode as 1 group will be on Toxxulia during the hard mode version of the encounter. Also, the 2 spawns from the eggs will only occur if the eggs are not destroyed before hatching. If that is the case you may want to add another dps to eggs duty. The adds from the eggs will stifle/stun your raid force and could result in a raid wipe if not killed quickly or too many sets of eggs are allowed to hatch.

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