The Scavanator
by EQ-Raiders
The Scavanator is very similar to Xilaxis the Explorer...if he had adds and a mem-wipe.

With Scavanator it is gonna be tricky to get a full strat down because you only have one attempt to try to kill him.

You will need a good spot to pull this guy because he does have a target knockback. One popular spot is actually having the raid stay in the large area just before Sara Greenharts area. So if you were looking down the hallway at the Yellow Twisty Light thing in Sara's room the area to the right of you seems to be a pretty decent spot with the tanks in a corner and the raid in the other.

The crab does summon adds throughout the fight. You will either get a bunch of heroic's or you will get one X2 add. The X2 does have a moderately large aoe but nothing too big and both kinds of adds die fairly fast in a well geared raid. The only tricky part to this fight is that Scavanator will memory wipe every 60 seconds or so. Normally this wouldnt be a big deal however about 5-10 seconds after he does he will screech. Everyone in the raid needs to get 20-25 meters away from the crab otherwise they will be cursed with a large ticking DOT that will most likely kill them. Tanks might be able to get away with sitting in on the AOE as long as their healers can cure them fast enough. But your raid needs a spot to joust to when the crab screeches. The crab will NOT move for this much like other mobs that have a "get out" aoe.

Have a secondary spot for your entire raid to run to and get their fast and you should be fine for this encounter. There are a few AOE's to watch out for during the fight but nothing more important than getting out when he screeches.

Good luck.
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Rigid 01-30-2011, 04:35 PM

We normally just have everyone joust, including the tanks.

EQ-Raiders 12-20-2010, 06:46 AM

No, Its an AOE and therefore will affect you if you are in range. The curse will not explode your raid... you can have everyone but the MT's joust out and then just cure the Tanks.

silzin 12-17-2010, 07:27 PM

can the curse be blocked by braking LOS?

EQ-Raiders 12-15-2010, 05:28 AM

The knockback as far as I know happens every 50-60 seconds but it can skip if it happens when he is rooted so there is really no sure way to time it.

He has two noxious AOE's and a Trauma. Only Claw Storm and Toxic Spray hit hard. The fight is the same fight as Easy Mode Xilaxis except with small adds tossed in. If you can do Xilaxis you can do this fight.
Merged Post
I will add the other AOE's for this fight. Yes it is Briny Vapor and its 40 seconds, no swipe.

Phineok 12-15-2010, 02:59 AM

Are his AoEs all just noxious based?

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