Harakaat The Seer
by Sude
This is a fairly fun fight.

The most important aspect to survival here is Arcane resistance. You are going to take a ton of Arcane damage, this mob has three different AE's, all of which deal Arcane damage plus some other effect. I recommend going with 14k+ for your resists to that damage type. It made a massive difference in our perception of this fight.

Secondly, there is a power drain. It's not overwhelming, but you'll definitely want to take it into account.

You'll also want to make sure that all the members of your raid have the new "Cure Arcane" pots. You're not really curing AE's in general, you're keeping them for a specific reason. Nevetheless, you'll have far fewer deaths if you have them.

Finally, you might want to have a slow fall / safe fall ability of some kind. It's not strictly required, but it might save you some heartburn in the end.

Positioning in this fight can be important. There most definitely is a knock back / knock up attached to one of the AE's. The room itself is huge and tall, and if you position poorly, that will become a big problem.

The room is generally circular in shape, with four large pillars of books surrounding a central elevated dias.

As you descend the ramp to the floor of the room, you will notice a circular pattern on the floor between two of the pillars. This is an important feature as it will help you with positioning during some of the more chaotic moments of the encounter. We set up for pull behind this circular pattern, facing the central dias.

At pull, the tank will grab Harakaat and drag him over to the pillar on the right, using that pillar to put his back against. Casters will move over toward the left pillar. You can't quite get your back against that pillar as a healer and still be in range of your tank, but it's close enough that the knockback won't be a problem so long as you make sure that you keep yourself positioned so that the knockback pushes you into the pillar.

Not long after pull the AE's start coming. Cure quickly and keep your groups green! Furies and Inquisitors can probably solo heal groups (ours do), but other classes without multiple group cures will struggle. It is however important that the healers do all the curing at this stage. Potions need to be saved for the . . . port.

Keep the mob debuffed as best you can, grinding off his HP as quickly as you can. Eventually, he's going to port the entire raid to random locations throughout the room. It's great!

When he does this, you may also end up with an Arcane impairment on you that is also a snare. The catch of course is that you're on a timer. You only have a few seconds to get from wherever you are ported to the bottom step of the central dias. If you don't get there in time, you're going to get smashed by an AE. This is where the pots come in. If you are snared, use the pot and get yourself to the center!

You may find yourself ported to the upper walkway. This is where the safe fall / slow fall comes in. It's a long way down, and you can take a considerable amount of damage coming down. If you are already damaged, the fall can be fatal. The rail can be jumped through, so don't bother trying to run around. If you use the slow fall method (cloak of the harvester, fae fall, etc) use the space bar to fall faster. If you are not actually on the ground when the AE goes off, it doesn't consider you "protected".

As soon as you get the red message about being protected, get back into position quickly! Use the circular pattern in the floor to help orient yourself.

After the first port, have your OT start looking around for adds. You'll see them very soon. It's just a single add, a triple up heroic book. Sometimes hard to find, it flies fairly high up in the air and attack the raid from above. Have the OT group target the OT and DPS through him, it should be more than enough DPS. The adds continue to spawn through the rest of the fight.

When the mob dies, the circular pattern in the floor you've been using to help orient yourselves becomes a teleporter to the next area. I don't recommend stepping on it until you're ready to go as a raid. There are wandering trash mobs that may or may not be in aggro range of the teleport destination.
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Depeche179 05-14-2011, 03:34 AM

Quote Originally Posted by koradur View Post
After Haraakat reaches 50% health all raid member deaths heal him for anywhere from 1 million to 1.8 million HP
This is absolutely true!!! Anyone who is "squishy" needs to stay down and let the rest of the raid finish him off. Also, not sure if this was mentioned but, if anyone who revives will start back at the beginning and will have to run back or wait for the next port if they run really slow.

koradur 02-06-2011, 05:38 PM

After Haraakat reaches 50% health all raid member deaths heal him for anywhere from 1 million to 1.8 million HP

EQ-Raiders 08-23-2010, 11:23 PM

I was getting messages about showing this fight that had some ventrilo chatter and was a bit quicker and I was able to find one. Hope it helps some of you guys. The video is updated on the right of the strategy.

Jasmiller13 07-29-2010, 04:35 PM

The best tank spot for this named is against the rubble on the ground, close to the middle circle. The tank can wedge himself against the rubble and the raid can use the closest pillar to wedge themselves. This will eliminate the knockup/back and make the fight alot easier to manage.

Galvin 03-17-2010, 03:12 AM

At first the time getting back sucked but once we got the hand of it, we are all back in position in 3-4 secs. Only other thing we do is have MT stay back a bit so he not running in the raid as we move and AE's go off. I'll look at your position next time we in there and see how that would work for us.

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