by EQ-Raiders
Waansu in some ways is easier than Perah'Celsis if your healers can keep up with the three successive AOE's.

Using an AOE prevent on incoming will definitely help while you are getting Waansu placed.

The only place you can tank this mob is near the Griffin tube in the NW corner of the room.

Now, each tube has a special function in this fight.

Griffin tube = Reduces Damage from the Arcane AOE. Reuse time of this tube is 30 seconds.

Rat Tube = Places a buff on a player that will remove Waansu's DMG Shield when Waansu is hit by that player. Reuse time of this tube is 45 seconds.

Prowler Tube = Disintegrates Waansu's Adds when they get too close and also heals Waansu if he is too close to this tube.

Sporeconid Tube = Places a Buff on the player that turns them into a bomb that when struck by the Flames (elemental) AOE will cause massive DMG to Waansu in excess of 5% of his health at a time. Reuse time on this tube is 5 minutes.

Reminder: For the Rat, Sporeconid and Griffin Tubes you will need RIGHT CLICK the tube to get the effects properly.

With that out of the way the biggest thing about this fight is the placement of your raid force. Now, in the NW corner by the Griffin tub you will notice a stack of boxes. Whether you are against the boxes or against the other side of the corner against the wall then your tank will be protected by the arcane ward that the tube puts up. The corner itself is not in range of the protection. Your tank and MT group should never have to move during this fight. You need to find a place for your MT group where they will be protected from the knockback that Waansu has. The little rods that come out from around the Griffin tube can provide the protection from the knockback you are looking for.

Note: view raid video to get a visual idea on placement

The rest of the raid you will want placed between the Griffin tube and the Prowler tube. Reason for this is because after the first Arcane AOE hits you will start to get 3 little adds that pop. These adds have almost 0 HP and will die to the smallest AOE's and AE Auto Attack. You will need your OT to grb aggro on these mobs and drag them to the Prowler tube to get destroyed. There will be some instances in which you will not be able to pull an add away, for example if an add is stuck on the MT. You might just have to kill it and move on. They will heal Waansu between 3-5% each time they die.

This is the biggest part of the fight to learn and get good at. You can place your raid around 10-15 meters from the BASE of the steps of the griffin tube and they will be protected from the additional dmg of the Arcane AOE. You DO NOT have to be REALLY close to the Griffin tube to be protected.

Now, Waansu also has a moderate DMG Shield and Reactive on him that can be easily done away with by using the Rat Tube. You will need to alternate two scouts to use this tube effectively. Not every guild is going to need to do this though and the DMG shield can be a pain but with the right raid setup removing the shield isn't necessary. To do this, you will need a Scout to use the Rat Tube on incoming and then alternate EVERYTIME the arcane aoe is incoming. When the second scout is protected by the Arcane AOE then he run over and use the Rat tube. This is really not that difficult to pull off and you will have an easier time with the encounter if you remove the shield.

If you get Waansu to 5% you will notice he puts up a stoneskin and will cease to take dmg. This is where things get delicate. You need to wait for him to get 5% and then wait for the next Arcane AOE to almost incoming, you need to click the Griffin tube and have your fastest incombat runner to then sprint to the Sporeconid tube. Use that tube to be turned into a bomb and get back to Waansu in under 20 seconds. Reason being is that after the Arcane AOE hits, Waansu will cast Hellish Flame. When the person who is the bomb gets hit by Hellish Flame it will blow up Waansu and he will die. This is the only way to kill Waansu.

All of Waansu's AOE's are roughly 40 seconds for recast so the only AOE you really need to time is when Arcane Reckoning is incoming. The arcane reckoning is always after Freezing Rain.

Time Arcane Reckoning effectively for your raid to give your runner enough time to get to the sporeconid and back and you will kill him easily enough.

Otherwise this fight is really just a burn fight with your main OT pulling adds away instead of killing them. Until your raid is geared up enough you may need three healers in the MT group and two healers per group until you become good at the encounter.

Good Luck and hopefully grats on some really nice loot drops.

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EQ-Raiders 04-04-2011, 06:28 AM

Doesnt have to be mages to click the tube... anyone can click the tube after the "rain" aoe hits.

Koax 04-03-2011, 07:36 PM

Quote Originally Posted by erifri View Post
hints please, we're wiping after 20-30s into the fight, tried clicking different pillars but haven't figured it out.
U should have ur healers and bards what ever is in your group click AOE blockers on Inc when u get the red text for arcane your Mages must click the arcane protect tube atleast one mage has to click IIRC = )

Acejin 01-24-2011, 07:44 AM

seems easy enough

Sude 01-20-2011, 02:45 PM

We've never had any appreciable wiggle on these timers either. They are some of the most reliable in the expansion.

EQ-Raiders 01-20-2011, 05:14 AM

Must be lagging. The timers are all 40 seconds on this mob.

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