Arkatanthis The Destroyer
by EQ-Raiders
Arkatanthis The Destroyer is the Hard Mode encounter when you do not prevent Xilaxis from calling for help. The encounter is not as difficult as many make it out to be.

Since SOE fixed the curse selections this encounter is much more manageable.

You will need to split off your MT group from the rest of the raid when Arka is ready to arrive. You will want your MT group far away from the Xilaxis fight to prevent the MT group from getting hit with any of the aoe's from that fight. You will need to dps Xilaxis down with with three groups. This is not a difficult task. The Xilaxis fight itself remains the same (please refer to the Xilaxis Strategy if you need a refresher). Both mobs have a knockback ability but finding a stable spot for the MT group is the most important.

The added differences with the Hard Mode version are the addition of two curses. Curse of Destruction and Benthic Freeze. Curse of Destruction is just like the curse from Maalus in Palace. This needs to be cured asap otherwise it will spread and kill your raid. Benthic Freeze will turn anyone into a Ice Block, basically removing them from the raid until it is cured. You might have to be a little selective on who gets the Benthic Curse cured if you are running out of curers. This fight will require 9-12 healers in your raid to handle the cures depending on your raid caliber.

The next addition is the selective spawning of adds that only three members per group will be able to kill. The selection always chooses a tank, healer and a third class. It will not choose someone that has Benthic Freeze on them unless they are the only person left to choose. Which if that is the case you are probably wiping.

Originally Posted By: Sude (click for profile)
Quote Originally Posted by Sude View Post
Add choice works like this:

1. A group is chosen. All players chosen for the upcoming round of adds come from this group.

2. If there is a Fighter in the chosen group, the Fighter is selected. If there is more than one Fighter, the first Fighter in that groups raid window is chosen, provided he is not dead or frozen.

3. A Healer from the chosen group is selected. If there is more than one healer, the first healer in that groups raid window is chosen, provided he is not dead or frozen.

4. The final class is chosen, either Scout or Mage. The chosen player will be the first of his Archtype in that groups raid window, provided he is not dead or frozen.

Knowing this, you can easily stack your groups in such a way that you get the best setups for add duty.
These adds need to be burned down quickly. You will get with each spawn a Benthic Warrior and two Benthic Defilers. The Defilers need to be killed first as they will resurrect the Benthic Warrior immediately upon death if you kill the warrior first. Other people in your raid can not help the three people working on adds. This is just like Zarrakon's adds from TSO. Your three tanks by Xilaxis will need to be on their toes incase the current tank on Xilaxis gets chosen with adds. This will require some good tank swapping.

All of the components of this fight are taken from encounters that most raid guilds have already completed in some form. So, most guilds will recognize what they need to do. Keeping your MT group alive while killing Xilaxis is the biggest hurdle. Once you finish off Xilaxis the fight is all downhill from there.

One last thing of Major importance is the Noxious cure. Plague of the Destroyer is the major noxious aoe to remember to cure. It infact has a limited range so when the rest of the raid is on Arka they could range it down without being hit by it. The thing about this aoe is that if it is not cured in time and expires naturally it will cast a curse on anyone hit by it and anyone around them. If this curse lands you might as well start over. It will not end well.

Also, curses will increase in occurrence when Xilaxis has been killed. Make sure to keep up on cures and ignore freeze curse when possible to save cures for Devastation. If someone with Devastation can not be cured have them run away from the raid about 25 meters and die by themselves. At least your raid won't blow up.

Kill your adds, Cure Detrimentals and finish off Xilaxis quickly. Moving on to Arka is the easy part of this fight.

Good Luck.
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Zandora 02-18-2011, 01:16 AM

Info is great

larc 02-08-2011, 01:31 AM

Some good info here. Thanks folks

Sude 02-07-2011, 12:24 AM

Officially: Each add has 300k HP, Defilers and Warlords have exactly the same HP, so 1.2 million for each set of three.

Rigid 02-05-2011, 02:32 PM

Maybe, but the only time we every had issues of him losing hate was when flagged for adds. IDK we probably just need to practice the fight some more.

Sanction 02-05-2011, 01:09 AM

The adds going to the MT group is pretty normal for our raid...MT adds coming to the rest of the raid as well will happen which can cause issues.

I don't know if our MT has problems keeping Ark when on adds but I thought Ark had some sort of mem wipe...but maybe I'm just thinking of X, unsure on that one.

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