Azara The Seer
by EQ-Raiders
Easy mob.

First thing first, you need to get both Elemental and Arcane resists way up before heading up to start this ring event. Both are important.

As stated, this is a ring event that ends with Azara the Seer spawning. We like to put our raid in a tight group at the center of the room. Keep in mind that this ring event is a continuous encounter until Azara is dead, and as such, a group without power regen might find themselves running low in the latter stages of the named fight. We didn't really notice any power drain per se, it's just a lot of HP to grind.

The first wave begins when someone moves off the center platform out toward the edges of the room, and consists of four Elite Guards. Nothing special, just HP to grind.

The second wave contains a Sorceress. She is not named, but she does fire off a pretty nasty Elemental AE. We try to kill her first to stop that silliness from going on. The AE comes at a fairly fast rate, so you definitely want to have good resists to keep the strain on the healers as low as possible.

The third wave is the named, and only the named. You'll definitely want very high Arcane resists for this.

The trick to Azara is that she runs pretty much counter to everything you teach your healers - you do NOT want to cure her Arcane AE. I know! Weird!

Basically, her Arcane AE is a DoT that ticks every 9 seconds. The initial tick "feels" a little stronger, but we haven't really done any serious dissection of it since it wasn't that difficult an encounter. Druids for the win here.

Periodically, you'll get a red message on the screen. Azara is about to fire off a really nasty close range DD. Get everyone - including the tank - out. She is rooted!

As I said, we put our raid in the center of the room and the mob at max healing range. When she roots, our tanks move away from her, but in a circle around the raid. So, if the tanks start at say 12 o'clock, when she roots the first time they move to 3 o'clock, maintaining themselves at max heal range. The scouts come back to the center of the room.

As soon as she un-roots, she simply runs back to the tanks, and we start grinding her HP again. No adds, no serious surprises.
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halbaradx 05-11-2010, 12:23 PM

We have no problem with the mob since we stopped to try curing.

We just heal through it and joust the aoe's.

EQ-Raiders 05-09-2010, 04:10 AM

I just heal through the aoe's curing what pops up. (ACT never says Darkwind more than once a rotation.)

Stay 15 meters out and joust to 20 meters when the nuke is incoming. One healer can solo heal this mob in a DPS group. I did it on a level 89 Defiler with no T9 Masters and all TSO gear.

Tigernutz 05-07-2010, 04:38 PM

We looked at the arcane effect, and there is nothing in the description that indicates the damage reduces each tick....

Yerazankha 05-03-2010, 02:18 AM

Sorry for the one who posted above, but as the initial strat is stating, Dark Wind is effectively reapplied a few seconds after if you cure it (maybe a limited number of times, but it IS reapplied, check your detrimentals), and does strong damage each time it applies while being a joke when not cured. Moreover it is the only curable AoE out of Azara's 3 AoEs... The other arcane and the noxious are no-cure, so I dont know what you could have cured... Except if the fight was changed since then.
We first tried to cure everything during a long and painful try at her, then we tried to cure nothing and had a very pleasant and successful fight.

EQ-Raiders 03-21-2010, 05:05 AM

Her AOE isnt really reapplied, there is just 3 consecutive aoes. 2 arcanes (2 seconds apart) and then a noxious. I've solo healed the encounter on a defiler and there was only three aoes to work through and I healed them all, curing whatever was curable.

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