Kendis & Penda Parmare
by EQ-Raiders
--Normal Mode-- (fought seperately)

Let's play simon says!

Thats the jist of this fight basically. There are a few differences to the encounters though.

Kendis when his orbs are up will deal massive damage to melee who are hitting him.

Penda when her orbs are up will deal massive damage to the spell casters who are hitting her.

The trick to this fight is the orbs. You want the orbs down asap because they still prolong the fights and cause unnecessary healing.

You need to stare at the named at all times, atleast your designated orb clicker does. When her orbs are up you will see a flashing orb that appears on the named (a mini version of the larger ones) it will flash 4 different colors. One color is a neutral color and will alert you when the pattern resets. The 4th color is NOT found on any of the pillars. What you want to do is watch for the color pattern and then click the orbs in the proper order.

The first color that appears is ALWAYS the neutral color. The orbs on Kendis have two VERY similar looking yellow orbs.. but one is infact a lighter gold color. That is the neutral one and will always be the first one.

The same strategy is used for both named. Just slow DPS when their orbs are up, it will be best. The adds don't present much of a problem at all, just run into the rooms and burn them down.

Kendis Video [media][/media]
Penda Video [media][/media]

--- Challenge Mode --- (Fought Together)

Challenge mode of this fight is basically the same but splitting up your raid force into two groups. One side overloaded with mages obviously and the other side being melee heavy. The basics of the fight are still the same. The AOE's hit a tad bit harder but the biggest change is the addition of three heroic adds per group that spawn every 30-45 secs. These adds spawn randomly on members of the raid. Sometimes you will see 6 adds spawn on one side as opposed to the other.

You will likely need an extra tank to help out on mage (Kendis) side because the adds could do much more dmg to a few mages. Having an extra tank over there to just cover for adds will be a great help in burning down the adds quickly. The Scout (Penda) side shouldnt have the need for an extra tank for these adds. Just have a main assist so your dps is focused better to burn down the adds.

The fight is probably the longest in the zone because of the things that will slow you up but it really is the best way to do it.

For the pull you may want to pull the names out of their room with a pet first so you don't aggro the custodian. This will allow you to kill the Epic adds before triggering the hard mode. Once you have both of the names single without an adds then you will want to aggro the custodians and let them run to the other named being tanked. Be sure not to damage them or you will have to start over because you will not trigger the hard mode versions.

Good heals and sustained dps to kill the adds. Long boring fight but just keep it steady and it really is quite easy.
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daw4888 01-19-2011, 01:15 AM

Quote Originally Posted by maxus View Post
ok that makes sense. twice we had the custodians reset and not go into hard mode. will make sure bosses are not against wall when time comes. We only gave the center area positioning one try, had some back luck with a couple being dead on floor below so we decided to stick to hallways or rooms.
Ya, trying to make the named see each other is just a pain... just kill all the adds.. then tell everyone to stop dpsing.. and send the custodian.

maxus 01-19-2011, 12:39 AM

ok that makes sense. twice we had the custodians reset and not go into hard mode. will make sure bosses are not against wall when time comes. We only gave the center area positioning one try, had some back luck with a couple being dead on floor below so we decided to stick to hallways or rooms.

Sanction 01-18-2011, 04:35 PM

If you are having problems triggering HM using the custodians you can have the tanks and their healers move toward the center so that Penda and Kendis have line of sight on each other and this will trigger it.

Now I know there is a risk of knockback and getting knocked over the side but this is the way my guild does it and never seems to be a problem. Also if you do it this way make sure no one is clicking the orbs until the tanks have the HM encounter back into position to avoid orbs from popping out in the middle.

daw4888 01-18-2011, 01:47 PM

Quote Originally Posted by maxus View Post
Also seems that both custodians have to be aggroed at the same time or very close to avoid them resetting. At least that is what happens to us.
That is NOT the case, you dont even have to aggro both of them.

When you pull, tell your tanks to pull from range and NOT aggro them. Kill all the adds from the Ezmode. Then tell one of your dps toons to run up to a custodian but dont hit it, just get in range to aggro it.

At this point tell all the people in your raid to just stop dpsing, and make sure no one uses an ae. As soon as that custodian gets to the other side, and see's the other named, it triggers hardmode.

The only thing is, if you are tanking it way back in a corner, and the custodian doesnt run close to the named, he might not see the named at all. We tank the named right by the door to the middle room ,and this isnt an issue. When we used to tank the named in one of the interior corners, it was a problem.

maxus 01-18-2011, 02:15 AM

Also seems that both custodians have to be aggroed at the same time or very close to avoid them resetting. At least that is what happens to us.

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