Maalus Shadowfyre + Imbued
by EQ-Raiders
--- Normal Mode ---

Maalus seems imposing at first but is really a pretty easy fight once you get the curse taken care of. Upon aggroing him you will be charged by about ten adds (solo adds for the most part). These adds drop a stack of the items you will need to use on the sages up one level. So, once you are farming Maalus you might want to kill these a few times by resetting Maalus and getting several stacks of the items.. because once you run out thats it.

Now, to Maalus. There is really no aoe's to be too concerned with. He does have three aoes that come about 10 seconds apart which should be easy for any raid healer to deal with. The trick is properly calling the Curse of Devastation. This is a rolling curse. This means if the person with the curse dies.. it will infect those nearest to him and eventually overcoming your entire raid. It ticks very hard and reduces all your stats. So damage you take hits harder.

It can be tracked by ACT using the Detriment Plugin. There are three curses. One that just slows you down, one debuffs your strength and then the bad one that nukes you. You should only be watching for the bad one. The person who gets the bad one will get a message on their screen that says something to the effect of "You feel a curse threatening your life!". The not so bad one just says "You feel a curse slowing you down!" or "You feel a curse draining your strength.."

Maalus will also banish people to a void where they must kill a copy of themselves in order to get out. Not a big deal for the most part except for certain healers. If a MT healer gets ported be sure to call it out so other healers can compensate.

Thats the fight pretty much, good luck.


--- Challenge Mode ---

The challenge mode version of Maalus is again like many of the other "hard" mode version of mobs in Palace. The fight is basically the same with a few curveballs thrown in.

Here is a trick right off the bat. Do not waste time curing the first curse that lands on your raid if you are working on Maalus Imbued. The curse will go away when he changes to challenge mode. That will save you a cure.

With Maalus imbued you will to use the Wand that you got from the Twins encounter. This wand will "cure" the person who is struck with undeath. So, this version of Maalus has two abilities to communicate amongst your raid. The curse that MUST be cured which for Maalus Imbued is called "Greater Curse of Devastation" now and then the undeath.

Now the wand can only be used every 90 seconds raid-wide. So you WILL have to lose some people the longer the fight goes on and you will also have to get lucky on these undeath charms. If your tanks keep getting it it can spell trouble because the charms happen every 60 seconds.

Many guilds will choose classes that will NEVER be cured. Choose yours based on what kind of raid you have. If you have alot of heavy hitting scouts then you might have to sacrifice your Sorcerer's and Chanters for example.

In addition to the AOE's being a bit harder (Bring high noxious resists!!) on your raid Maalus Imbued will also spawn adds during the fight. One large X2 and occasionally a small heroic. The small heroic MUST die quickly, that is the most important one otherwise you will trigger a larger more devastating aoe. The X2 of course still needs to die quickly because these come every 30-45 seconds as well.

Maalus will still port random people to a netherworld to kill a copy of yourself so that has not changed at all.

Bring lots of DPS because the faster you get him down the beginning of the fight the easier it will be at the end because you will have a few people permanently charmed.

Communicate well and this will be a fun fight.
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EQ-Raiders 02-03-2011, 11:39 PM

The trigger is in the abilities information in the article. There is red text that appears on each players screen (Although I don't have the exact words, but the jist of it is in the article) but you can setup the Detriment Plugin for ACT and use that Curse name and it will tell you which players have that curse in order to cure it.

Otherwise, someone who is familiar with Guild Connect is going to have to chime in here.

Valiantsword 02-03-2011, 06:25 PM

Whats the script to track the proper cure curse for this fight trying to set up guild connect for it.

Sude 01-31-2011, 09:21 PM

I would say Maalus is easier. Twins united requires a lot more communication / organization. Maalus can be manhandled with enough DPS.

Sanction 01-31-2011, 07:59 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Acejin View Post
would you say that Maalus Imbued is the easiest HM for this expansion?
I would say it's a toss up between Maalus and Penda/Kendis United. Depending on what you have available to you will make one or the other a little easier.

For Maalus you need good healer co-ordination with curing the right curse and keeping everyone green between AoEs. You also need enough DPS to kill him in about 9 minutes otherwise you run the risk of too many people being charmed.

On the Twins you need two good tanks and solid healers to keep them alive. Your raid must be focused on the orbs so not to kill themselves multiple times. Two people need to work together to get the orbs de-popped and it also helps to have 2 tanks on each side to control the adds a little more easily.

Hope that helps you out and good luck on your first kill!

Acejin 01-30-2011, 09:24 AM

would you say that Maalus Imbued is the easiest HM for this expansion?

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