Oxdaxius + Reforming
by EQ-Raiders
The only reason this mob is listed as stressful is because of the level of lag you will encounter with this guy. Even if you are the only guild there the lag will probably be pretty amazing.

First, in order to do anything with this encounter atleast one person in your group will need to right-click on the NPC located near the graveyard of the Mausoleum of Scholars. You do NEED to right click him to talk to him, to get the items necessary to do any kind of damage to Oxydaxius and be victorious.

Once you have the item use it and it will put a buff on you that will enable you to do damage to the Adds that come with Oxydaxius.

By Sanction on 09-29-2010, 10:27 AM
Re: Oxydaxius
Only one person needs to get the item and use to get the ward off Ox. Only one person needs to get and use the scroll item to banish the hard mode encounter.
Oxy has no knockback so it really does not matter where you tank this guy. His adds do not have a knockback either.

The way the encounter works is you need to kill his adds quickly enough to do DPS to Oxy before the next set of adds show up. Otherwise this is gonna be a REALLY long fight, especially with the lag issues. Every member in your raid will see a red message on their screen alerting them to a barrier on each of the heads of Oxy. These barriers are tied to the adds that spawn. Kill them fast enough and you will be able to DPS Oxy much faster. If you get overrun by adds it will be extremely difficult to handle the encounter. The adds are heroic but they have a decent amount of hit points.

Much like other encounters in this expansion, again, he has three AOE's only one is interruptable and one seems to be swipeable. At this time it is hard to tell, again, because of the lag with the encounter. None of the AOE's really do a whole lot of damage except for the Trauma AOE, Buffeting Force.

Fight through the lag and have enough DPS to kill the three adds quickly and you will take care of this encounter. If you get that far you will need to use the scroll you also received from that NPC to banish the "Challenge" mode of this encounter as it spawns right after Oxydaxius dies. Have people immediately target Oxydaxius Reformed and use the scroll to banish him and get the chest from normal Oxy.

Oxydaxius Reforming

The fight for Ox reforming is still very similar to the first version. The biggest difference here is that the adds change and you have a time limit.

You have 225 seconds to kill Ox before he becomes Oxydaxius Reformed and wipes your raid. It can be really difficult to accomplish this especially if you have 2 or 3 guilds contesting for the kill, because of the lag factor.

The add difference is that you will instead get adds that keep increasing in number until you kill it or the timer expires. You get one add, then two, then three, ect.

The adds have quite a decent amount of HP and will need to be blown up fast. The AOE's on Hard mode seemed to hit just a tad bit harder to a raid in pieces of T3 and T4 raid armor. If you get through the first version the second version shouldn't too much of a problem other than its a straight DPS check.

Good luck!
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Glocktor 12-25-2011, 01:27 AM

Too bad about the raid requirement I wanted to one group him

EQ-Raiders 11-23-2010, 07:03 AM

Strat updated for Reforming Version.

Fatsy 11-02-2010, 06:12 AM

It saves 45 seals if u get legs from Oxy instead of upgrading the ones u get from Seer in Paineel

daw4888 10-25-2010, 06:03 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Fatherjules View Post
out of interest does this mob drop any decent loot?

Our raid force only raids 5 hours a week so dont want to bother with him if all we get is a pat on the back and a well done!
I would have said back when seer only droped 1 pair of pants, that this was a must kill mob if you find it up. Now, so/so, since you can get 4 pairs of pants a week from seer now, its up to you. Oxy isnt that hard if you find him up, but i wouldnt waste time trying to camp his spawn. The ezmode loot isnt worth it. if you just happen to find it up, kill it, if not, just ignore it.

Sanction 10-25-2010, 01:22 PM

Easy mode will drop 2-3 pairs of T2 pants and some ok jewelery.

Hard mode drops some very nice things indeed if you can kill him.

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