by Khatiru
He lives in the rat area in that area where the red target circle area is. He has no hard mode.

Cogglius curses the 3 closest folks to him occasionally and if those folks are fighters they will be hit for less vs non fighters who will be hit much harder.

Has a few other AOE's but they are fairly moderate and don't hit for much. He does seem to memwipe so best to have all fighters in your raid right on Cogglius anyways for the curses.

There is lag during the fight like with all contesteds in this expansion. Although the lag is a bit less compared to more populated zones.

Thug dumbfires seemed to reset and break the encounter. Unless it was a bug just that one time, be mindful of this ability and others like it until it is either confirmed or denied.

Grats on some decent loots.
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Trematea 11-12-2010, 11:33 PM

Fairly simple mob good loot payout

daw4888 04-21-2010, 05:33 PM

Quote Originally Posted by The Vekk View Post
Anyone know a Respawn time on this mod? or event?
It depends on what version of the mob was killed.. The higher level the mob, the longer the lockout.

The Vekk 04-20-2010, 04:13 PM

Anyone know a Respawn time on this mod? or event?

Khatiru 04-10-2010, 10:01 PM

There will be mobs encircling the portal and a clicky totem near by.. kill mobs rt click totem and choose the appropriate action you want.. The rings glow so say if you spawn him while the third ring is glowing you get a x3..

golybyt 04-09-2010, 07:55 AM

And how to know when x2,x3,4 is rdy to spawm, ¿hunting those rats and waitting if they repop in a diferent ring?

thx khatiru

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