Captain H'Bri and Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash
Captain H'Bri is linked with Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash and not agro at the start. You clear the room of the golem adds and then go to take the portal.
When you enter the room, head to the right and take the portal to a different room. Clear all the golems. Once the golems are dead, split the raid as you see fit to have some in the golem room and some in the Captain's room. When you pull the Captain she will emote and tell the Lieutenant to check the golem room for invaders and the Lieutenant will respawn in that room. Once you engage, you will no longer be able to use the portal until the Lieutenant is dead, so make sure everybody is in position and ready to go.

Kill the Lieutenant. Once he is dead, use the portal to return to the Captain's room and kill her.

Each mob is a simple tank and spank. There seems to be a physical and elemental aoe that are proximity based, but I dont have names.
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Khatiru 06-12-2010, 01:54 AM

we put 2 groups in each room and see who can burn theirs down faster hehe

daw4888 06-11-2010, 07:46 PM

Ya, we normally kill the captain first, with one group up stairs off tanking the yeti, then portal up and finish the yeti off.

Sude 06-11-2010, 07:42 PM

Portal between rooms re-activates when either one of the mobs is killed.

daw4888 06-04-2010, 12:40 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Zidia View Post
Unfortunately, I forgot to check ACT before I closed it so I'm missing a lot of the technical info =(
You know you can get ACT to import your old logs, and its just like you did the fight right?

06-04-2010, 03:51 AM

Captain H'Bri has an aoe 'Priestly Touch' on approximately a 50 second timer. hit for anywhere from 6-12k cold damage and seemed to be melee range. Pretty negligible unless your raid is severely under geared.
She had somewhere around 18.5 million HP.

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