Odaufe and Kastus
by Khatiru
Krastas is Melee only: Any type of spell damage or debuff will deal massive damage back to you. Some ae proc abilities count as a spell. Keep an eye on what abilities you use or you may die alot.

Odaufe is Caster only: Any type of melee will deal massive damage back to you. Once again check your ae abilities that trigger that may be considered as mellee. Debuffs count as spells and can be used.

They merge at 75, 50 and 25 percent and at 10%.

At 75, 50 and 25% they merge and the only way to break them up is to throw snowballs at them. The snow banks become clickable at those times and need to get enough folks to harvest and throw enough snowballs to toss at em... It is important to burn them down together as close as you can at an even pace.

At 10% they only way to nullify their formed abilities to click the axe, put it on your hot bar and use it. Everyone needs to do this if they want to do some sort of damage or debuff, or you will die a lot. What makes this difficult is that at this time they are gonna mem blur/deagro like crazy until you do this.

As a crusader I tanked Odaufe easily by unequiping my weapon.. *hint hint*
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EQ-Raiders 01-20-2011, 05:24 AM

Good to know. Haven't been in there inawhile to see if there were any changes.

Elissa 01-16-2011, 12:19 PM

They no longer instakill if you use the wrong damage, but it's still a massive hit best avoided. Also, don't pull them too far apart or they won't merge.

daw4888 06-21-2010, 12:44 PM

So to start the fight, have your crusaders remove there weapon, and they take O.. and have your guard/zerker/monk tank K. The first pull or 2, you will most likely have people dieing to things, make sure to tell them that they need to pay attention to what they are casting, and if they get one shotted, not to use that again.

On pull, we pulled them to the back corner of the room so they were in range of the snow banks, we had casters and melee burn them both to 80%. Then burn to 77, then work to 75, they need to get at 75% within 1% of each other, or they will heal back tup 100. As soon as they merge, everyone needs to click the snowbank, and then throw snowballs at the named. You cant do anything else to the named. Any spell or melee attack will kill you, so basically your healers will have to heal threw the named as it runs aroudn trying to kill people, thats why you have to be fast with the snowballs. After enough people do it, he will become immune to anymore snowballs, when this happens, have the tanks get rdy, he is about to unsplit.. Pick up your mob, and repeat. Tell everyone to hotbar their snowballs. You get 5 snowballs per click, and you can harvest multiples, and they dont depop if you wipe. So make sure everyone gets enough for the whole fight the first time, 2 harvests would work.

After everyone has snowballs, and they are split back out, start moving them across the room. You now need to setup the raid near the Right thrown(if you are looking at the throwns). You will be able to see an axe sitting on the thrown. when they merge at 10% you first have to snowball them, then use the axe on them.. they will NOT SPLIT OUT, you just have to watch its buffs, and as soon as they drop the blue hand buffs, you burn it to zero.

Thothe 06-20-2010, 12:35 AM

Just a tiny bit more information. The snow banks are along the sides of the room and the axe is sitting on the southern ice throne.

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