Ice Maiden D'lna
by Khatiru
This pure and simple is a DPS fight.

She goes into speech upon pull... She has a 360 kick - up & back that can be ranged.

She will summon a level 90 add through out the fight and needs to be killed or you will be overcome by these adds as the fight progresses.

During this fight she will enlarge and 4 mini golems will spawn in 4 corners. During this time unless a 90 add has spawned there is no other mob that is agro or causing damage. This happens every 10%. Recomend splitting the raid and kill at least 2 of the 4, also a good time for healers to get in there and do some DPS too until the big golems spawn. Call out when its close to the 10% and go to the two selected locations of the preselected golems you have marked for death. The other 2 still up will spawn into big golems that have a huge amount of HP, and stun like regular golems. Off tank those 2 big golems as they will taunt the MT off the named and they do hit a bit hard.

Your focus on DPS should be level 90 summoned adds that spawn then named.... OT the 2 big golems... rinse repeat.
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EQ-Raiders 10-28-2010, 06:35 PM

If your raid has enough dps, send one group to each of the golems. If you can kill all 4 of them you will not get extra adds. Really annoying fight.

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