Vrewwx + Vrewwx Icyheart
by Khatiru

There are 6 levers that must be pulled at the sametime using the warm pair of gloves recieved from an earlier quest in zone to open the path way to get to Vrewwx.

The Captains Quarters
The Lieutenants Quarters
The Colossem of Rivalry
Throne of the Two Brothers
The Ice Palace
The Giant's Dwell


The mob is starts at the center of the island, falling off the island results in death. There are 4 or 6 columns that rise when you engage the mob. If you are standing on one of those columns you will not be hit by the knock up or the uncurable ae that freezes you in place. If the dragon targets someone not immediately in range of them or on one of the columns the whole raid gets teleported to the center of the island.

Knowing this obviously your tank stays down, just about everyone else should stand on the column. If you get knocked up, glide down to the column.

* Needing more information how to better avoid the Stun/Stifle *

More information Coming Soon!!
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~flatlined~ 12-23-2010, 02:01 PM

I agree this encounter is totally different to when easy mode was "the dragon gives you a chest and despawns". I think this is part of the reason the info is always confused. I would guess most guilds have not bothered to keep killing this mob, or else the full fight info for easy and hard would have been clearly documented for ages.

Easy mode .. stand on pillar, 2 tanks at 180' from each other, range dragon, when tank is frozen, 2nd tank takes over, dragon turns and tail lash sets 1st tank free. End of story.
Hard Mode ... totally different fight with loads more going on. Yeti, Rejuve, curse-on-target, very unlikely to position raid on pillar due to buff effect and due to maxing dps on rejuve, etc.

Sude 12-23-2010, 01:51 PM

That is pretty much what we do. You really can't afford to let your raid get the yeti buff, because it's a wipe. Thus, you cannot have your raid on a pillar.

I strongly suspect that the people who did this encounter very early have absolutely no idea how different it is now. This encounter is NOT easy.

~flatlined~ 12-23-2010, 06:26 AM

Hard mode Vrewwx, Yeti -

Select 1 tank 1 healer (optionally 1 dps), place them in a group together, assign them to yeti duty. The yeti has a massive crit bonus. Letting him near the raid will cause him to crit the hell out of the raid. To combat this you have the yeti team manage the yeti. They will do this by getting the yetikiller buff - wait for the fight to start, stay away from dragon. A pillar will rise up and get "smoke" on it. Shortly after this the dragon will do an elemental vertical kick that gives everyone safefall. Use the safefall and glide thru the smoke, getting the buff. Drop down to the yeti spawn spot on the pathway.
A few seconds later the yeti will spawn from the portal. Engage him, kill him, and then wait at the end of the path for the buff to fade. When it fades use the clicky teleport to blip back to the fight area. Move away from the dragon and wait approx 10 seconds to get kicked into the air by the elemental AE and again get the buff using the safefall float. Repeat until raid kills dragon.
Note: When you have the yeti-kill buff, you are very vulnerable to elemental aes. It debuffs your elemental resist by a ton. It's therefore important that no-one else in the raid gets the yeti buff, so the raid must not stand on the smoke pillar. Since there is no warning of which pillar will raise, and it is at random, placing the raid on a pillar for vrewwx hard mode is asking to wipe.
Note: People with the yeti buff have to stay down on the pathway, until the yeti buff fades due to the elemental debuff on them. It is not removable and is intended to sit on you keeping you out of the fight.
Note: People getting the yeti buff - you CAN get it sooner by being on a pillar, BUT the pillar will raise, and then vrewwx does an elemental kick ae. This is intended to put YOU in the air to drop onto the pillar. If you have the buff already, you will be elemental debuffed when this AE happens and you will likely die. Stand in the middle and wait for the kick up, then float into the smoke. The timing of the AE, it's effect, and the yeti spawn is laid out for this to happen.

Still no replies about Fel Frost ... It's a horizontal kick ae that is not interruptable, not on a timer, and is probably a dps on the dragon fail condition. It's the ONLY horizontal kick. Is it dps on dragon? if so what value? is it no dragon off circle? something else? Are people just working through it?

EQ-Raiders 12-23-2010, 05:07 AM

I am curious then Sude, how are you killing the Yeti because without that buff he is immune to your damage correct?

Sude 12-21-2010, 02:36 PM

As stated above, the adds that spawn around the room, the ones that heal Vrewwx, basically if you ever have more than one up, you're screwed. As long as you only have one (ie, kill very quickly) it will ALWAYS pop in the same spot. We put our raid RIGHT THERE.

Putting your raid on top one of those pillars is like a death sentence. When that pillar gets chosen as the Yeti buff pillar, your whole raid will die. If you have the DPS to burn Vrewwx before you hit this problem, you probably don't need our advice. Since you're asking, I would suggest never putting your raid on the pillar, because you will end up wiped sooner or later.

With a Guardian MT, he's almost always immune to control effects, so I dunno about that Freeze thing.