Master Syfak
by Thagor
Spawns adds at 75%, 50%, 30% and 15%. Named moves further and further towards the zone entrance after 2 waves of adds are killed. (need locs to be 100% accurate for the strategy) Be sure to have ALL trash cleared on this level before attempting this named.

The adds that spawn memwipe very often so it is best to name someone as MA so the tanks can rotate on the adds. You will also encounter some random one shots during this fight. It is unavoidable and the most annoying part of this encounter.

The mob has some nasty AOE's as do the adds. So healers need to be on top of your games. Chanters may want to put their AOE blocker on some o the more squishy healers if you see healers having hard time with some of the AOE's. This mob aside from the last enounter in the zone actually has some of the hardest hitting AOE's in Wing One.

There will be a Curse that will periodically occur during the raid. Do not use abilities until this curse is cleared otherwise you will trigger massive aoe damage on those around you.

The poison aoe's need to be cured asap and can not tick or stack otherwise they will be too much to compensate for.

Syfak has 3 AE's, in this order:
Festering Plague (nox damage)
Piercing Turmoil (piercing and nox damage)
Venomous Explosion (nox)

If Venomous Explosion isn't cured, it will trigger Judgment of Venom when it expires.

The curse, Toxic Inertia, will trigger Toxic Bolt if you cast with it on.

When the mob ports he will cast a reflect shield on himself. Do not attack the named until a healer can dispel the cloak on the mob. The named will not do anything while he is in this state. So it is a good time to get your raid refreshed and prepared if you had a hard time with the aoe's and the adds.

Chase him down when he ports around the first level area and start dpsing him down when his cloak is removed.

The adds (a roekillik deathbringer) are actually the worst part of this fight.

Good Luck.
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losty 01-06-2011, 04:24 PM

I quickly looked but didn't see this mentioned yet:

When he's released from invulnerability, he can be at any point in his AE rotation. He doesn't stop his rotation or suspend it while invulnerable, it's like he keeps casting them even though he can't hit you with them.

This has to potential to cause a hiccup, especially if you've got one person curing based on the names of the AE and the other curing based on just 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

daw4888 01-06-2011, 04:00 PM

You dont get a message.. it just lands. And it doesnt trigger "massive ae damage" it triggers a small amount of damage...

The massive AE damage occurs when you dont cure the 3rd nox ae in less then 8-10 seconds. Also this will be a delay'd effect, so even if everyone is your raid is cured, it might trigger, due to those people not being cured quick enough. We normally just pot cure the 3rd ae, so everyone is responsible for themselfs, and cant blame their healers, but healers also group cure it. Thats the most importaint thing to do when adds arnt up... cure the 3rd nox asap.

Gimbly 01-06-2011, 03:55 PM

We tried this mob and a lot of people said they didn't get a red message for the curse incoming. Are we missing something?

Zeezee 11-11-2010, 09:09 PM

The 40s timers are not swipeable that I noticed. The trigger from casting with curse on you didn't really do that much dmg to the raid force with over 20k nox resist. The real problem was the interrupt. If it interrupts a group cure on the nasty nox it can spell a wipe very quickly. We were pausing about every 10 sec just to give it a chance to hit people and curing only off MT/OT/healers. Auto atk does not trigger it but I have found that some people simply can't resist the lure of hitting buttons and so we had them back out. I would recommend bringing a nox flag for this fight if some of your people have low resists.

umbriel 11-11-2010, 05:36 PM

I guess all 3 of his AoE's are unswipeable and on 40 second timers?
The Toxic Inertia triggers on Spells and CA's (autoattack should not trigger it according to the deterimental description) and if triggered will cast a Toxic Bolt AoE that interrupts, stuns for 3s and does 20k poison damage (up to 75% or so mitigated I guess).

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