Uthgar, Maakat and Aaskas
by EQ-Raiders
Uthgar, Maakat and Aaskas is a pretty straight forward fight. There are three ratonga to deal with. They can not come close to each other. Pretty much tank them right where they are.

Over the course of the fight each Ratonga has two fairly decent damaging AOE's to contend with. Good healers and cures will negate this.

Every 30 seconds or so you will get a message that a strange force is giving one of the named powers. A totem will have spawned near one of the named. Your groups need to destroy this totem ASAP. It does have a fair amount of HP so again like with most mobs in this zone, your DPS needs to be fairly high.

If you fail to destroy this totem you will beef up the named and more than likely you will raid wipe.

Keep 2 groups on one of the named to burn it down the fastest so you can proceed to the next. Save Uthgar for last as he is down the ramp from the other two Ratonga.

Uthgar has two of the hardest hitting AOE's and also his totem is again right down where he sits. Uthgar will occasionally port the tank to the top of the ramp. He will normally do one AOE, do the PORT and then do another AOE shortly after. This is to catch your healers off guard.

Other than the port distance this fight is pretty predictable.

Good Luck.
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larc 01-10-2011, 08:17 PM

Btw thanks, as you said, once the pull is set its really easy. 2 pulls and done

Trematea 01-08-2011, 08:28 PM

NO there is a statue at the other 2 rats as well. Just keep your MT group far enough away from the other 2 and let the mages or range take care of the uthgar statue and you'll be golden.

Valiantsword 01-08-2011, 08:12 PM

Ic the statue spawn down the ramp I dont see any other statues spawning in the video is there only one?

Trematea 01-06-2011, 01:06 AM

Quote Originally Posted by larc View Post
Any problem with the tank surviving long enough to run back down after the port to be within range of his healers? Haven't done this fight, so just curious.
This fight is actually fairly easy once we finally got the placement correct. I tank Uthagar and when the port occurs i put up a stonewall, then taunt my ass off and drag him back. I had no issues with heals as your only out of a shammy's range for a brief moment. hope this helps.

larc 01-04-2011, 10:01 PM

Any problem with the tank surviving long enough to run back down after the port to be within range of his healers? Haven't done this fight, so just curious.

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