Vaclaz + Released
by EQ-Raiders
Vaclaz (Normal Mode)

Vaclaz in Normal mode is a combination of Pentaclypse, Anashti Sul and Field General Uktap.

You will see that Vaclaz has 4 adds that are with him. These adds control which version you get. If all 4 of these adds die you will trigger the Challenge Mode version of Vaclaz.

Vaclaz has three AOE's that are pretty potent so bring your noxious resistance. These AOE's also MUST be cured ASAP because if they begin to stack you will see your raid dropping very quickly.

Every 45 seconds or so one member of your raid will get a blue vision much like Field General Uktap if your guild ever did that mob in Ykesha's Inner Stronghold. Whoever has the blue vision is the only person that can target a mob before he casts a raid wiping AOE. You have roughly 10 seconds to find this mob and hit it. All you need to do to prevent the wipe is to hit that mob and bring it back to the raid to be killed. The add can spawn in three locations on this platform (Behind Vaclaz or to either side of Vaclaz on the far sides). So be sure to stay as centered as you can as a raid to make the distance easier to travel. Infact, starting the encounter behind Vaclaz might give you better positioning.

Now, these adds do have a knockback as well so watch where you are standing that you do not get knocked off the platform.

The second thing to watch out for is a warning much like Twins or Anashti Sul in Palace of the Ancient One. You will get a message that You feel a powerful curse...

This is the time to stop doing wtv is you are doing and just sit there. This curse comes two at a time much like the other mobs. Only this time, if you cast you will not wipe raid initially but you will stun everyone next to you for about 10 seconds. That will likely spell doom for your raid because you need to be bunched up for this encounter. Healers can cure themselves of this particular curse effect and not cause any problems.

There is a second curse that will flash your screen as a warning and then land on you. This AOE as far as I know has no way of audible warning in ACT or Guild Connect. If your screen flashes yellow you also must stop using abilities. Healers can not cure themselves of this curse and not trigger it.

Off tank the adds and be sure not to kill them. Handle the AOE's like champions and do not cast when you are cursed. Bring enough dps with you so the fight does not last too long. If the fight goes too long you risk killing the adds, or getting stacked up on detriments.

Good luck!

Vaclaz Released

Vaclaz Released shares many of the same mechanics as the Normal Mode version. There are still the Energy adds that you need to find before they blow up your raid. There is still the no cast curse that if you cast will interrupt and stifle people around you.

However there are some difference that will change the scope of this encounter from challenging to frustrating. One of the not so frustating parts is the addition of a new curse that will flash your screen yellow before you get the curse. This curse has the potential to kill you if you use any kind of ability.

Two new additions is the presence of three heroic adds and an AOE Cure job like Old School Venril Sathir. The curses and the blue screen adds are still handled the same way.

The adds need to be controlled and NOT killed. If you kill any of these new spawned adds you will make Vaclaz even more powerful and he will kill everyone. The biggest issue with the adds is that they despawn and then respawn ON Vaclaz every 30-45 seconds or so. Typically not a problem, only that if they target the MT for too long they will one shot your tank. You will get a message that the adds and Vaclaz shared the same target for too long and BOOM. The adds must be pulled away from Vaclaz ASAP.. a Warlock constantly AOE'ing will help out with this as the adds will not stay by Vaclaz for very long. Just be sure you get your OT to pull those adds away from the raid to prevent them from dying and await the new set of adds shortly thereafter.

The most frustrating part of the fight is the Caustic Cloud AOE. This aoe is uncurable and causes some significant damage. You will need healers completely on their game to pass this test. In addition to Caustic Cloud hitting for some sizable damage you will also get another AOE that hits you when Caustic Cloud is on you. If this new AOE is not cured by the time Caustic Cloud hits you will be hit with some MAJOR damage. Not only does Caustic Cloud already do damage on expiration but the additional damage is very sizable if not deadly if the next AOE is not cured by the time Caustic Cloud expires. The issue with Caustic Cloud and the following AOE is that the next AOE can hit only a few seconds 3-4 seconds before Caustic hits. Which means you need healers at the ready and back up cure pots waiting. When Caustic hits EVERYONE should be ready to cure the next Noxious AOE at all costs. Stop dps if you need to but cure.. cure.. cure.. and healers get ready for damage regardless because Caustic can crit on expiration anyways but just not for as much.

Control Caustic Cloud and this fight is pretty simple. Manage your add control after the initial adds are killed. You might have to designate certain classes to never be cured of curses to save curse cures for tanks and healers. You will remove 3-4 people from the fight then at any given time if your healers are not ALWAYS being chosen. If you drop normal Vaclaz pretty easily you have half the work done on Hard mode.

Good Luck!

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Hekter 02-03-2011, 03:07 PM

name of curse 2 is Toxic Inversion

EQ-Raiders 01-23-2011, 12:01 PM

Also be sure your positioning is correct. Many Hard Mode encounters have specifics on distance. Always try to stay between 12-15 meteres from the mob in the MT group. But, remember that if your tank is on the opposite side of the mob you are CLOSER to the mob so you need to play with positioning if you are taking HEAVY aoe damage.

100% Crit Mit and over 20k in specific resistances is ideal. Load up on extra healers if you need to. Some Hard Mode fights don't require alot of dps to win. It is not uncommon to see a Shaman, Priest and Druid class in the MT group for Hard Mode encounters.

Insideout 01-22-2011, 03:27 AM

Thanks for the insight. We have made it past that part. Now to make it through the Hard Mode part.

EQ-Raiders 01-22-2011, 03:10 AM

Poor Nox resists is one possibility (drop a banner to help). There is no odd spike in damage when the mob is being turned into Hard Mode. Perhaps your burn is too slow before the AOE's start.

Insideout 01-22-2011, 02:44 AM

When we are killing the adds, before Vaclaz goes hard mode, MT is taking 90K damage in 2 seconds. 60K of noxious damage. This is when we are killing the last or 2nd to last add. The adds are not on the MT. What is the deal with this? Better yet, what can we do to prevent this?

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