by EQ-Raiders
Haephaus is like a version of The Clockwork Menace. There are three forge areas near him. One behind him, one to the side of him and one in front of him. Here you will see three items. The items are Shield, Armor and Weapon.

When you start the fight a timer will start. You will have 60 seconds to kill these weapons before he equips them. A wild card in this is that there will also be a heroic add that has a pretty decent amount of life that will continually heal the item you are attacking. If you miss an item Haephaus will gain an ability. These are not abilities you can fight through however.

If you do not kill the weapon then the mob will do a massive spinning melee aoe that will most likely kill your raid.

If you do not kill the shield then the mob will start using a massive shield bash attack that stuns your whole raid.

If you do not kill Armor...well nothing bad happens except the mobs gains a little more resistance to melee dps.

Thats the trick to this fight. You do not have to kill the Armor item. You will need to split your raid dps and put some of them on the weapon and some of them on shield. Now, you will still need to pull the heroic add for the armor to one of the groups because these adds will auto aggro your raid if they are still up when the next go around happens. All three Heroic adds need to die each time they spawn.

If you kill weapon and shield in time you will see Haephaus say "Armor Donned". Roughly 10 seconds after this he will mem blur off the tank. Use any snaps you have to assist your MT to get the mob back in place.

The items will respawn and its time to do this all over again. Your groups can stand inside the furnaces where each item is sitting. It is probably best to pull Haephaus to a point where the item groups do not have to move to range the named down.

Remember though, all three Heroic adds needs to die each time the items spawn. So have someone ready to pull that heroic add for the armor to one of the dps groups.

The fight is 5 minutes plus even with insane dps.

Good luck.
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Sude 10-29-2010, 01:02 PM

If your guild is good enough to get past Reg/Reg, then one group should be enough DPS on either of these. I really never paid much attention to the "actual" DPS, I just know that we generally kill our target (I'm in the shield group) with about 10-15 seconds to spare.

Generally, I'll hold on to things like EB and ET just in case we have something unfortunate happen in the process of getting our target dead and we need a quick boost to catch up.

In some cases, I even have time to send my pet against the named for a few seconds.

My group is typically: Defiler, Inquisitor, Troubador, Illusionist, Wizard, Conjuror (me).

Our Axe group is typically: Mystic, Inquisitor, Coercer, Dirge, Brigand, Shadowknight

wilfred 10-29-2010, 12:50 PM

Do you know how much dps you have on axe and shield and on the named?
We're gonna try him again on Tuesday I hope, and it would be nice to know how much dps we need to bring

Thanks again for replies

Sude 10-29-2010, 11:55 AM

Quote Originally Posted by moonwizard View Post
What we do is basicly having 2 groups on namer and 1 on shield + 1 on weapon .
That's what we do as well.

moonwizard 10-29-2010, 08:39 AM

What we do is basicly having 2 groups on namer and 1 on shield + 1 on weapon if weapon side is getting into trouble the dps group on named turn and burn and then go back to named.

wilfred 10-29-2010, 08:07 AM

Thanks moonwizard.
Maker sense. We put too much dps on the items (killed them in 30sec) so more dps on the named then

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