by EQ-Raiders
Aereon is a rather straight forward fight. Your raid will typically be setup on an angle from your tank somewhere in this room where your tank will be in one spot and your raid will be running back and forth from point A to point B.

The second you pull Aereon she will spawn a tornado on your raid. This tornado does not move and constantly AOE's the raid with range with a massive Magic AOE and power drain. Get OUT of its range. This is where having two points to run to is key.

One of the things with this fight is your tank should also have a secondary spot to run to in this room incase the tornado spawns on him. Your raid will always want to move in a parallel direction to keep things easier. So make sure to setup secondary spots for your tank to move to depending on which spot your raid is at. Many guilds will use the table as the center point and move your tank from the table to the wall or the wall to the table depending on which move needs to be taken. The AOE range on the Tornado is roughly 20 meters.

Now, if moving to avoid the Tornado wasnt bad enough Aereon will also summon a Proximity mine of sorts in the form of a giant purple bubble on someone in your raid. This bubble is huge and comes after the second tornado is summoned. Depending who it spawns on will dictate which people can not move anywhere. If you leave the bubble or someone outside the bubble gets too close the bomb will go off and your raid will wipe. Best to not touch your movement keys at all when this is up. Now, when the bubble is up anyone on the inside will be immune to the Tornado if it is summoned on someone in the bubble. If the tornado pops outside of the bubble those people need to move their secondary spots still within range of group inside the bubble.

If the tornado is on someone inside the bubble just have everyone stay put until the bubble disappears and then move to the secondary dps spot and await the next bomb to be placed on your raid.

Now, if things couldnt get any more hairy Aereon will also summon two heroic adds that will come from the Hallway. This is the mobs DPS check like all the others in this zone. These adds need to be DPS'd and interrupted like crazy. These mobs have a knockback ability that if allowed to go off will knock people out of the bubble and will explode your raid. Destroy these adds quickly. Stun, Stifle, Mez, Interrupt...whatever you have to do to keep them from the casting that knockback. The quick you target them and kill them the better chance you have at beating this encounter. The adds are called 'an airy warrior'.

So, recap. Tank needs three possible tanking spots depending on where the tornado pops. DPS spots need two possible spots depending on where the tornado pops, but need to be able to stay within range of healers no matter which spot the tank is at. Be mindful of the bubble and where you are and kill adds the second the spawn and run from the hallway.

Keep up on the movement and your time with this mob will be short. The lower your dps is raid wide the harder this fight is. Aim to have this mob done and killed in 4 minutes or less. A great way to see where your raid currently stands dps-wise is to try to burn Aereon to atleast 70% after the first tornado is summoned.

Good luck!
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EQ-Raiders 12-15-2010, 05:38 AM

That is definitely one way to do it, though it will potentially make the fight a bit longer. Since this zone is based on several dps checks your raid should have enough dps to obliterate the adds and dispose of Aereon rather quickly. Sending a group out into the hall is definitely a safer way of doing the encounter.

jolly 12-14-2010, 10:17 PM

its good to have 1 group stay in the entrance to the room to pick up the adds when the boubble spawns on the raid to prevent the knockback on those in the boubble if the boubble spawns on the group at the entrance to the room they will just let the raid take care of the adds and stay still til the boubble is gone. quote they shuld just do nomal just up the walkway if the tornado spawns on them easy job

Cviidar 12-05-2010, 04:25 PM

It is incredibly important to cure the curse off the main tank as soon as possible. The curse de-levels the tank to a very squishy state.

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