by EQ-Raiders
Horraastaas is a pretty straight forward mob when you learn its secret. The main thing about Horraastaas is that when he takes damage you will steadily spawn little adds. These adds need to be pulled to the "nests" around the area to get rid of them. You can click each nest three times to get rid of three adds.

Now, one of the tricks to the fight is that there is a glowing beam of light in this room that when touched gives you a effect that ticks a small amount of damage on you but allows you to dps the named without spawning too many adds at a given time. If you hit the mob WITHOUT this ability on you you will spawn three times the normal amount of adds. This ability does not last long and afterwards you have a small immunity before you can get it again. You always want a tank on this mob and to always be doing damage. Therefore, you will want to fight this mob two groups at a time. When your first two groups to go have 10 seconds or so left on their effects you will want the third and fourth groups to get theirs and start in on the mob while the first and second groups back off and wait.

Keep swapping like this for the remainder of the fight.

The second part of this encounter relies in the normal mobs that spawn. They need to be dragged to the nests around Horraastaas. Well, you will need a third plate tank on your raid to gather up these adds because there will be a constant steady stream and he will have anywhere from 6-8 adds running around at any given time.

Note: If you see adds spawn that are broken from the encounter. (No Loot Treasure Chest Icon) Then that means someone is attacking the mob without the effect on them.

The trick for this encounter is that all the adds that spawn will automatically aggro the person who is the #1 spot in the raid window. make sure this is a fighter and assign a healer and possibly a dirge in his group to run around with him while he takes care of adds. So, you will have every other time only 1.5 groups on Horraastaas.

Do not DPS Horraastaas too quickly or you might spawn too many normal adds for your tank to keep up.

The last part of this encounter involves the jousting. Like many other named in this expansion they have a AOE that needs to be jousted by anyone near the mob or they will take massive damage. This mob is no different. When the mob glows blue everyone needs to get away until his AOE goes off and then you can get back in and resume dps'ing. If you are too close you will take a Uncurable Noxious with massive damage. Jousting it is very simple because there is no noticeable aggro change and your tank can just take it right back into position after the AOE goes off. The AOE is Poison Blast

That is this fight broken down. Good Luck!
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EQ-Raiders 09-20-2010, 03:34 AM

Correct, just verified it last night its not a curse. Fixing.

Sude 09-18-2010, 04:44 AM

There is no curse. Poison Blast is a massive, uncureable Noxious AE with about a 20m range. If your healers rock, your tank can take it. If not, time your tank switches appropriately. Recast is 60s, Swipe does not affect it.

Death removes the Flames immunity timer, so upon being rezzed, you can immediately get the Flames buff and DPS the mob again.

Adds work like this:

Occasionally, even if you have the Flames buff, someone in your raid will spawn a single add. If someone is DPSing without the Flames buff, they will pop THREE linked adds.

In any event, these adds will, as mentioned, go after the player in the very first slot in the raid. Make it a plate tank. (We run 3 plate tanks for this encounter)

Have this tank, plus 2 healers who will stick with him, start near one of the Ysidriax Mounds. There are four of them in the room. The adds will usually run directly to that tank in slot 1. When the tank sees an add approaching, you can right click and choose "Disturb this mound". Double click works as well.

This will spawn "a ravaneous ysidriax" (looks like a centipede) at the mound who is capable of eating four adds. Once he has eaten his four adds, he will disappear and your add crew will need to move around the edge of the room to the next mound, spawning the centipedes as necessary.

Sude 09-16-2010, 08:59 PM

The flames effect that comes from the fire lasts for 60 seconds, and is followed by a 25 second immunity. If you die with the flames effect on you, it is removed. Keep this in mind! If you die, *don't* DPS the mob until you are able to get the Flames again!

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