The Taehric Construct + Energized
by EQ-Raiders
The Construct is activated by getting close to him so keep your distance at first while you plan the encounter.

The basics of this fight are as follows:

The Construct has three consecutive AOE's that you will need to joust. These AOE's are Two Noxious AOE's Followed by a Trauma AOE.

There is a crystal that is near the back side of this room that you will need a "mage" to click when the construct glows blue. You have about 3 seconds to click the crystal before construct becomes powered up and starts one shotting people with melee attacks and power draining anyone near by.

The crystal when clicked will root the construct in place. When the construct is rooted his abilities are also amplified so everyone needs to joust away from the mob Max distance, including your MT. This is also important especially when the AOE's are incoming because they will hit your raid harder. Especially the Trauma AOE. Try to get your noxious resistance up over 20k if you can and you will mitigate the Noxious AOE's pretty well if you are at a safe distance +15 meters away from the mob.

The construct also has a regular mem-wipe that is a positional wipe. He takes one random person and puts them to the top of the hate list. Your tank should be able to easily get the mob back with a Aggro Snap. The mem-wipe can be hard to time but will hit after the second Toxic Force AOE and around 45 seconds each time there after. The memory wipes can be delayed sometimes by the root so be on your toes.

This fight is basically rinse and repeat. Get the construct pulled to the opposite end of the room so your raid can stay near the crystal. Wait for him to glow blue, click the crystal and root him. Regain aggro once the root ends.

You will spend the majority of this fight jousting the three successive AOE's. If your dps is pretty high, and you probably do have it if you are on Construct, he will die in 4-5 minutes.

The making sure you watch for him to glow blue is one of the bigger parts of this fight because he does move pretty quick for a big guy.

Getting your healers to deal with the AOE's is just like dealing with all of the successive aoe's in this zone. If you can handle Vaclaz's AOE's well you will have an idea how this fight will go.

Good Luck!

Energized Taehric Construct

This fight is the same fight with a few additions. The memory wipe is a little harder to deal with. Your tank will need to be spot on with his aggro and dps abilities. The construct will mem-wipe at right around these times during the fight: 1:10, 2:20, skip, 4:30, 5:40, skip, 7:50, 9:00, skip.

You could probably gauge what the mem-wipes will be after that 9 minute mark but you probably don't want the fight to last that long. The timers are not exact so figure on +/- 5 seconds or so for each timer. They will help though so you are not caught off guard by them.

The second addition to this fight is the presence of a x4 add that will spawn every minute or so. This add must die within 40 seconds or the construct will absorb the add and you will wipe shortly after. The add when absorbed will add 11% base damage to The Construct. The add will also stun everyone within range at around the 35 second mark as well. This is basically your warning that you need to have more dps. If you get stunned and you still have a way to go yet in killing it then you need to do better. Try to kill the add before that stun hits.

The aoe's do hit harder during this version of course and the one thing your guild might want to do is somehow lessen the distance of your healers from the MT at all costs. Many guilds will do this by actually reversing the construct so he is actually facing the raid during the hardest hitting aoe's. By doing this the MT group should survive by being beyond 15 meters from the named. It your tank is on the opposite side of the named your healers are MUCH closer to the named. Try to close that distance by either flipping him or getting your tank as close to the named as possible so your healers can stay back farther.

There are also two curses on this fight. One curse is cast on the target of the Energized Construct and lowers the healing received by that player by like 80% or something like that. (Easy way to deal with only figure on the MT getting this curse) The other curse is a daze/stun that only lands on healers. These need to be cured by other healers in your raid obviously and quick because if your healers in the MT group get cursed and then your MT gets the heal curse your tank will die. The Daze/Stun curse comes two at a time so it CAN affect two of your MT healers. If any other player gets a curse its a safe bet to just let the curse go on these players and not waste curse cures. Even if your OT gets the lesser healing curse the add shouldnt do that much damage to kill him. Save the cures.

Dealing with the mem-wipe and having enough dps to take down the add is the biggest key to this fight. Like almost all the fights in the Underfoot Depths this mob is essentially a DPS check to keep certain guilds from killing it until they are ready. If you can't kill the adds quickly enough you might want to resort to practicing on mobs like Rathgar or Arkatanthis. Arkatanthis is the perfect mob to practice this on because it requires each group class to maximize their dps and healing.

Good Luck.
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Naeen 01-20-2011, 04:02 PM

Thanks for the info.

EQ-Raiders 01-20-2011, 05:22 AM

There are two curses. One curse is cast on the target of the Energized Construct and lowers the healing received by that player by like 80% or something like that. The other curse is a daze/stun that mainly lands on healers. These need to be cured by other healers in your raid obviously and quick because if your healers in the MT group get cursed and then your MT gets the heal curse your tank will die. The Daze/Stun curse comes two at a time so it CAN affect two of your MT healers.
Merged Post
Updated the post with the curse info... can't believe i missed that.

Naeen 01-19-2011, 05:28 PM

I noticed there are curses involved in the Energized version, but I don't see anything about them in the walk-through. Anyone have some insight on what the curses do?

EQ-Raiders 11-25-2010, 09:53 PM

I have added a video of the Energized Construct being killed and will post the information on it very soon for those who still need it.
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Strategy Updated

acote 11-17-2010, 02:05 PM

FYI he goes into eradication mode every 1.5 minutes in the fight

Also, the root and eradication mode last approx 25 seconds

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