Xaalax, Yaalax, Zaalax
by Galvin
X Y Z is a very interesting fight. It will be more or less a reminder of the Segmented Rumbler from Emerald Halls..but only sort of.

The main thing to note is you need to pull these mobs with three tanks and keep them apart until both Xaalax and Yaalax are dead. All of these mobs hit for high elemental and physical damage.

You will want to pull Zaalax a bit farther away from your raid because Zaalax spawns a rock rift (bunch of falling rocks) under one person from the closest random group within its range. You need to MOVE out of the rock rift's range or it will kill you. Safe distance is about 25 meters.

Zaalax also has the worst curse, again only hitting the closest random group within his range. This curse needs to be cured within 8 seconds or that person will turned into stone and will not be able to do anything for over 90 seconds.

All three mobs have curses that need to be cured right away.. all three curses if not cured will spell trouble for your raid. Cure everything.

The deal with Zaalax is this. He splits into more Z's that all have the same abilities as the main Zaalax. If you manage to kill both Xaalax and Yaalax and then kill Zaalax he will split into two smaller Zaalax's. Each of those little Zaalax's will also split when they die. But thats it for the splits after those die.

Basically you want to keep one always off tanked while you kill one after they split. But the catch is that you need to organize yourself because remember each iteration of Zaalax has the same abilities. They all have the curse, they all have the large damaging physical and elemental aoe's, and they will all cast the Rock Rift. So, you need to have your spots so that when you have two Zaalax's up each group can effectively move from a primary to a secondary spot to avoid the Rock Rift.

You will have to kill 7 version of Zaalaxs before the fight is over.
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EQ-Raiders 03-16-2011, 05:44 AM

Strat added to main post.

EQ-Raiders 02-04-2011, 02:42 PM

X Y Z is a very interesting fight. It will be more or less a reminder of the Segmented Rumbler from Emerald Halls..but only sort of.

The main thing to note is you need to pull these mobs with three tanks and keep them apart until both Xaalax and Yaalax are dead. All of these mobs hit for high elemental and physical damage.

You will want to pull Zaalax a bit farther away from your raid because Zaalax spawns a rock rift (bunch of falling rocks) under one person from the closest random group within its range. You need to MOVE out of the rock rift's range or it will kill you. Safe distance is about 25 meters.

Zaalax also has the worst curse, again only hitting the closest random group within his range. This curse needs to be cured within 8 seconds or that person will turned into stone and will not be able to do anything for over 90 seconds.

All three mobs have curses that need to be cured right away.. all three curses if not cured will spell trouble for your raid. Cure everything.

The deal with Zaalax is this. He splits into more Z's that all have the same abilities as the main Zaalax. If you manage to kill both Xaalax and Yaalax and then kill Zaalax he will split into two smaller Zaalax's. Each of those little Zaalax's will also split when they die. But thats it for the splits after those die.

Basically you want to keep one always off tanked while you kill one after they split. But the catch is that you need to organize yourself because remember each iteration of Zaalax has the same abilities. They all have the curse, they all have the large damaging physical and elemental aoe's, and they will all cast the Rock Rift. So, you need to have your spots so that when you have two Zaalax's up each group can effectively move from a primary to a secondary spot to avoid the Rock Rift.

You will have to kill 7 version of Zaalaxs before the fight is over.

I will add mob information to the post soon.

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