by Galvin
Mo is a fairly easy kill compared to X Y Z and probably the quickest mob you will kill to get a Earthen Shard out of it.

Mo has a sweet spot to stand on to lessen the dmg of his AOE's. Mo's abilities like most of the mobs in this expansion come three at a time but MO's hit very hard. You will need two healers per group and preferably a shaman in each group.

You will want your raid to stand between 12-15 meters from MO at all times to, again, get the least amount of dmg possible.

Mo will also spawn three little snake adds that need to be killed asap. When these die you get back on MO and burn burn burn.

Mo is more of a Heal check fight rather than some of the fights being dps checks. Your healers will need to be on the top of their game.

A common place to tank Mo is against the cliffside on the large rock platform near where Mo roams.

Good Luck.
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EQ-Raiders 03-16-2011, 06:08 AM

Strategy tweaked from what I remember about the fight and a video added that showed the fight pretty well.

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