Saalax is a big Burn and big heal fight.
It would be ideal to have three tanks for this fight but you can do it with two with enough dps.
Saalax mem-wipes quite often so you will want to have two tanks fighting for his aggro. The adds that come with Saalax are basically two smaller copies of himself and a elemental (forgot name). You will want to burn down the elemental one as fast as possible as this one has a fast recasting AOE nuke that hurts the most from the adds.
You will want to just offtank Saalax to start while your raid takes care of the adds. Make sure Saalax is locked down and keep your raid about 10-15 meters from the adds at all times to lessen the AOE dmg they will incur.
Saalax will spawn three heroic blobs every 30 seconds or so. Your AOE dps needs to be on their game to make sure these adds die quickly. They dont do alot of DMG which is why it is important to kill 1 or even 2 of Saalax's original adds before these little blobs start showing up.
Saalax will also port one person just above the third pillar in the gorge.. this is just to mess with your raid and it can if it ends up being a MT healer or a MT themselves. Once ported just hit jump and float down and get back to position as quickly as possible.
Seemingly the best spot to tank Saalax is on the bridge just behind and a little more than half ways down that bridge with the healers between the port point and the name mob.
Have your OT drag the adds between the walkway of the first a second bridge area and burn them there. Reason for this positioning is that the port spot is exactly half way between the MT area and the OT area. Makes it ideal for people to get back to there spots quickly and lessens the risk of them taking an AOE to their face.
Once you have the main adds dead, the fight does get a tad easier but the memwipes will be harder to control because the majority of DPS is now on the named so the aggro will be harder to get back for the tanks. Once Saalax is the only one left, don't go completely nuts on DPS. Slow and steady will win this fight. Of course when the three little adds pop, you can go nuts on those.
Good luck, the first 60 seconds of this raid is the most important part of it. Try to get close to two of Saalax's personal adds down before the little blobs appear. If you can do that, you will have a better time with this encounter.