Theerax the Enforcer
by Galvin
more info coming soon
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Quigly4000 07-16-2012, 01:38 PM

This mob spawns 4 adds as soon as he is pulled which should be killed. It is best to pull him into a cove by himself since he has a red emote AoE based on line of sight. Everyone including the tank needs to joust out when this AoE occurs.

In addition to his 2 aoe's (one which stifles at ranged) he also spawns an add which alternates damage immunity between scouts and melee.

I also believe he has a curse which needs to be cured.

Switch between killing the add and killing the named. AT ~15% he will call in reinforcement adds (2-3 groups of 4 iirc).. at this point have your tanks pick them up and hit blade dance and get everyone in to finish him off. Its important to make sure you time the red emote NOT to hit during this last 15% seconds of burning.

EQ-Raiders 03-16-2011, 05:58 AM

Information on this mob would be appreciated to complete the database. =)

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