High Marus Alaric
by EQ-Raiders
This mob has a reactive buff on him that must be cured from your raid. If not your raid will explode.

After the named's adds are all dead he will begin to drop a crystal on himself. You must move atleast 35 meters away from this crystal. As soon as you see it drop down its time to drag the named away from this crystal. If you have enough dps you should only get 2 or 3 crystal drops. Just keep dragging him all around the room you are in. Down the ramps... across the first floor... up the ramps... you name it.

Keep that fail condition cured. It also has a 1% chance to go off on its own as well so if possible try to stagger your groups out so if it does go off it wont wipe both groups... the fail condition does seem to have a moderately short range.

Otherwise dps hard and you will win this fight.
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Sude 05-18-2010, 12:31 PM

No real need for that. Just burn him and get away before the pylon explodes. It has a very limited range. The only reason to move as above is if your DPS is low, but if you are going 30 - 0 in 5 seconds there is no need for DS / AE block.

halbaradx 05-18-2010, 09:32 AM

When he casts the first pylon, we have Death Save on the Tank and AoE Blockers on the groups and he is dead 5 seconds later.

Sude 04-27-2010, 12:30 PM

We tank this mob right up top, tank just pulls him (and friends) strait back to the wall. Initially, we do absolutely nothing AE. No AE DPS, no AE debuffs, no AE auto attack. Kill "The Destructor" first. Once he is dead, the curse that kills everyone goes away.

Kill each name, until you have only the main name left. Burn him slow to 30%, saving all your big stuff, keeping him hardcore debuffed so he dies fast from 30%. Burn him down from 30% - 0%.

If your DPS is low, drag him to one of the corners when he drops the first pylon.

The Vekk 04-26-2010, 02:06 PM

i would say the ideal spot for this guy to be tanked is on the bottom floor, when you frist enter the room if you look straight there is a wall. if you tank the encouter on the left side frist then when he drop the bomb have everyone move to the right you will have more then enough room between you and the bomb. plus the raid is always together and shouldnt have any trouble getting the fail condtion off.

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