The way we do it is simple:
- Mem-wiping mobs with KB, tank against wall
- Bring add down to 10% and have a brig pull it away from raid
- Then kill and it does massive explosion that may kill brig if not warded
- Have it far enough that it doesn't hit any other raid members (little past max heal distance)
- Do this for both then onto named
- At 10% he pops two pillars, destroy those quick then finish him off.
Makes the encounter trivial.
If we have two tanks, we have 1 tank the named and 1 tank the adds, the adds explode when they get low, about 15%. The explosion is not bad for a tank but can 1 shot others, max casting range is far enough away to avoid it.
We kill the two pillar adds when the spawn as well, then finish off the named
We did it diffrently, we killed the add to take them out of the picture all togther, the adds AE's doesnt seem to be that bad if you range from it and just have your tank eat the ae.
but the important part at 10% he ports to the center and starts casting a buff and summons to adds next to him,kill the adds to stop the spell he is casting. If he does finsh this Spell he gets a buff on him that makes him extremly difficult to kill plus starts to mem-wipe extremly fast.
this mob does heal of deaths and a possible bug with this named, after he does his spell succesfull or not if he heals above 10% when he would normaly die he seems to full heal. not realy sure if its a bug or not doesnt always seem to happen.