Prime Trajin Ghis
by EQ-Raiders
Before you start this fight make sure you hail the three Erudites in the room below Prime Trajin. You need them to succeed in this encounter.

This fight is pretty straight forward but it is listed as hard because the "walls" portion of this encounter is VERY buggy. It is almost luck if you beat this encounter as it is right now.

You pull Prime Trajin right around the middle of the room and make sure no one is in front of him due to his Axe Attack.

You will need three of your healers to watch the NPC Erudites who are helping you. These Erudites will kill the adds that the Prime Trajin spawns. Only thing is these Erudites are scripted to die alot. You will need a healer to right click them to revive them. They ALL must be alive in order to kill ALL of the adds.

As you are burning Prime Trajin he will now also occasionally port himself up near his table where he spawned. At the same time two elemental walls will randomly appear where your raid is. This is where it gets buggy. You need to run to the walls so you are hidden from Prime Trajin. Basically, just run up to it so the wall is between you and Prime Trajin.

This doesnt always work. Apparently you can get the message that says you have taken shelter from the attack, but he will still one shot you anyways. This is why this encounter can be very frustrating. You almost need to always be in the exact center of the wall and about 1 meter from actually touching it... but even this is just a guess. (If anyone has a perfect spot please comment below!!)

Just be ready to instant res anyone who was killed. Prime Trajin is a really easy fight if you keep the three NPC erudites alive and keep to a minimum the deaths from the buggy walls.

That is all there is to this fight. Good luck!
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sdrax251 10-02-2010, 01:39 AM

We took him down last night. So long as we kept the mages up at all times, we had no issues with the walls or the adds. I noticed there is a green emote when the mob kills the mages (something about a thrown-axe attack), giving you a little indicator that it's time to go rez them.

Jrel 08-31-2010, 09:43 PM

Still buggy. Half the raid kicked out of EQ2 each time the walls appeared on the carpet. Second waves and third waves of adds did not disappear even when the mages were up. 1 person died each time they were in the correct position behind a wall. However, after 3 wipes, and a less buggy fight, he went down.

Horgana 08-10-2010, 09:57 PM

Possible stealth change - sages need to be alive when the barriers are needed as if they are now casting them.

Valcorin 08-10-2010, 02:36 AM

As of August 8th, this encounter has been buggy in that the walls do not appear at all. We tried zoning out completely as well as running to the spots where they normally appear. If you are doing this fight and he teleports to the center but no walls appear to shield you, you're not crazy - you've got a bugged version.

And yes, we've killed him before with basically the strat listed here. Seems to be a recent development with the walls not appearing at all.

Sude 04-27-2010, 12:40 PM

Not buggy. Just not obvious at all. Here are the keys to making the walls work:

1. Shrink yourself. Especially if you are a large race. My Barbarian was constantly getting pwned in the face while standing right on top the others who were behind the same wall. I broke out my Mystic Moppet illusion, which comes with a shrink, and I never got pwned again.

2. When the walls spawn, run right behind one, get directly in the center and take one step backwards. You will live.

3. As soon as the walls explode get away from the tank. The named likes to frontal and AE auto attack as he is coming in.

The named has three things he does that you need to react to:

1. Walls. As mentioned above.

2. Adds. As long as you take care of the Erudites, 95% of the time the adds are taken care of, just keep an eye open for a stray add.

3. Pots. Two pots will spawn, one is right next to the cage, the other is on the opposite side of the room. Very soon thereafter, one person in the raid will get an uncureable elemental stifle on them. Someone in that person's group needs to click one of the pots to cure them. It must be someone in the same group or the cure won't work, and you don't get a second chance!

The named also has an elemental AE that is pretty nasty. You'll want to have good resistance to that, and cure it quickly.

The named has a close range trauma AE that is VERY nasty, called Brutal Charge. Get a timer on it and joust.

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