by Sanction
Rhee'Gor is standing a few feet away from when you zone in, he is a non aggressive mob. When you are ready to fight run up to him but DO NOT touch him. He will go to the fire pot in front of him, do some flips and become hardmode like 5 seconds latter.

As soon as Rhee'Gor's ritual is done he will do a small AoE that seemed to randomly one shot people. This AoE only happens once so make sure you have an AoE blocker on pull or load up on wards. Have tank pull after the mob turns into the epic.

He has an ability called 'Reverse Double Axe Throw', it's a dot that does Physical and Noxious damage pretty heavily so you'll want to keep this cured. He also has a very nasty frontal AoE for slashing damage. About 30 seconds into the fight he will start to mem wipe so the tank must on their toes to keep agro.

90 seconds after fight has started he will gain a lifetap ability healing him for 1% everytime he hits someone, he gets bigger when this happens so you will know. Also when he hits 50% health he gets a DPS buff for melee damage so any debuffs for attack speed must be kept up.

You will need plenty of DPS to beat this encounter. Aim to do this encounter with only one healer in your group.
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Melodix 02-13-2011, 02:30 PM

SK(pally)/Swash/Coecer/Warden/Troub/Dirge....and we clear it with ease everytime

having 4 aoe blockers (five if you include the coercers single target one) makes this zone sooo much easier.

luckee 02-12-2011, 09:26 PM

What's the best set-up for this zone? I've heard melee with coercer for mana. Any opinions?

Sude 02-07-2011, 08:04 PM

Gear isn't the issue here. T2 is fine. It simply takes an incredibly focused effort and a perfect group. I've cleared this zone once just to say I'd done it, but the reward isn't worth the effort to farm.

Mentin 02-07-2011, 07:54 PM

We have been trying HM ZuA with T2 gear with little success.

Seems you need T3 stuff to make this.

Riggly 01-20-2011, 06:24 AM

My guild is attempting to do this. Monk tanks are in my opinion best.

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