Tantor XII
by EQ-Raiders
Mob will target random players and chase after them. This action will be warned via a red emote on your screen. The red text for the raid will say the player's name and the red text for the person in question will say that Tantor points at "you". Best to call out who Tantor will be charging towards just incase the person misses it.

When the name is called have that person move to the tank and wait to die. Tantor does not have any threatening AOE's to speak of. With a moderately geared Sentinel's fate toon you can take all of the AOE's pretty much point blank.

He does have a random stifle aoe which is about as rough as it will get. As the fight prolongs he will cast a raid incurable arcane stun that can only be removed by using the emote "/shrug". So, make sure everyone creates a macro for this ability so they can remove it faster. When a player uses this command the stun will be cured from them.

The only other real threat you have from Tantor is if he faces the raid. He has a nasty frontal attack that can really do some damage to your raid because everyone will be in rather close range of him. Make sure he doesnt turn at all. If your MT is called to be the next one to die make sure to switch tanks quickly before the MT dies.

A sloppy tank transition might be the only thing that will wipe your guild fairly quickly on this encounter.

Good Luck.

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EQ-Raiders 04-07-2011, 05:25 PM

Unless they upgrade the loot drops... best to just kill him once and then head to the X2 zone for better loot. We have killed him three times hoping there was something else on his loot table... Didn't get one red slot piece of loot.

luckee 04-05-2011, 08:08 PM

Thanks for the confirmation on his loot.

Timber 04-04-2011, 11:13 PM

how often dose it spawn?

ashido 03-29-2011, 09:52 PM

Quote Originally Posted by Sanction View Post
This mob doesn't have any 360 AoE besides a benificial crit chance debuff. What our raid did was have everyone stand on his hind legs and when a person's name was called that person had to move in front of the mob and die.

yea this is what our raid did, when a named was called , that person just ran to the front next to the MT and died.
At 50% i think it is, he stifles the raid , so then everyone must use /shrug. We just hotkeyed it for faster use.
Easy fight with decent weapons

Littlebutmighty 03-29-2011, 12:25 AM

NO, his loot sucks

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