Soren the Vindicator
by EQ-Raiders
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Sanction 07-03-2012, 04:13 PM

Have a little more info on the fight but lacking the details as I don't have the logs and just going off memory.

Soren marks two people every 25s and a ring of fire spawns on each one. If you don't move out of the ring you will be hit with Annihilation Strike.

Soren casts two cureable elementals; Thunder Clap is high damage dot (40 sec recast) and Frost of Kael is moderate damage dot (40 sec timer). If someone die to Frost Soren gets buffed with Call to War.

Soren casts a uncurable trauma (has about a 30 meter ranger) that prevents people from casting benifical spells. Because of a shorter raidus normally only the MT group will be affected by it; it lasts about 12 seconds. It can be AoE blocked with holy shield, sever hate, toritse shell and such. Crushing Constraint, 35 second recast.

There is also a curse that lands on the tank called Onslaught. Not entirely sure what it does but think it hits for a fair amount of damage.

Two x4 statues spawn called 'a temple destroyer' at start of fight and every 30 seconds thereafter. They spawn somewhere around the fountains on each side of the walkway but will be a little randomized each time.

There will also be 4 little heroic adds that spawn every 30 seconds named 'a diaku invader'. They really are only just an annoyance so if they are attacking the MT or mage groups scouts can easily pick them up and bring them to the tanks.

One tank on Soren and a tank on each statue add. Tank them far apart because if they get close to each other bad stuff happens. Also make sure people aren't running into Soren and spawning the rings of fire where the MT group would have moved to.

Demilitch 03-08-2012, 02:56 PM

There was also an encounter bug that would cause anyone in contested kael to be locked in combat with Soren even if they were not in the raid with you. It looks like that may have been fixed now though.

Sanction 03-04-2012, 06:05 AM

I wish I knew more about the fight, Guild has only attempted it for like 2 hours and I wasn't even in the raid lol. All I know is there are two big adds that spawn periodically from around each fountain area and I think there are other little adds. You need a shit ton dps for this fight and at least 3 tanks.

EQ-Raiders 03-02-2012, 09:41 AM

Great information Sanction. Any information on the progression of the encounter?

Sanction 03-01-2012, 04:41 PM

You need to be careful about having anyone else in the Temple while doing the Soren fight. As of right now there is a bug with the encounter where the adds that are involved in the fight will go straight to someone who is not in the raid and reset the encounter very quickly. They can also add on to a corpse left around thats not in the raid. Anyone not in the raid should be back before the entrance to the room with the lifts if they don't want to aggro the encounter adds.

If you are looking for a spot to pull Soren so to decrease the amount of heroic adds you get your best bet is to pull Soren by the entrance to the Temple or somewhere along the middle pathway. There are no spawn points here and very little wanderer activity.

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